Saturday, January 4, 2020

Rise of US to power during the 20th century Essay - 471 Words

The U.S. Rise nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There were many factors that contributed to the United States’ rise and roles as a world power during the early 20th century. Presidential policies during this time period were the foundation of the U.S.’s role as a world power. The conflict in the Philippines was evidence of the U.S.’s ability to crush uprising and control a territory. The Spanish-American War demonstrates the U.S.’s role as a world power. Although the U.S. was only about a century old it’s influence drastically affected the whole world. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Presidents during the 20th century developed and relied on many different policies involving foreign relations. President Roosevelt’s policy was â€Å"Speak softly†¦show more content†¦Finally the U.S. passed the Jones Act of 1916 which allowed Philippino citizens to elect officials. After years of delayed independence the U.S. finally granted the Phillipines independence on July 4, 1916. The U.S. intervened in the Philippines in order to gain territory from Spain. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although President McKinley tried to avoid a war with Spain it seemed to be inevitable. The trouble began with journalism exploiting Spanish atrocities. Then, a battleship blew up and was falsely identified as a Spanish attack. The U.S. first took hold of a Spanish colony (the Philippines) which it later used as a stepping stone to trade with other countries. Then, they fought battles in Cuba (another Spanish colony) and conquered that along with Puerto Rico. By winning the Spanish-American War the U.S. gained a position as an imperialist country. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After much bloodshed the United States secured it’s position as an imperialist and world power. Presidents such as Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson came under power and called for expansion and imperialism all over the globe. The United States’ choice of action in the Philippines was just one example of it’s imperialistic characteristics. The Spanish-American War brought a lot of power to the United States. During the early 20th century the United States of America became and stayed an imperialist power. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Show MoreRelatedThe Major Events Of The 20Th Century Were Characterized1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe major events of the 20th century were characterized by devastating political experiences of wars and totalitarianisms that were born out of the shifts in philosophical, social, political and economic ideologies and movements across many regions of the world. During this time in history, communism took root in many states where people took control of the economies in order to establish a communist society that was based on a social economic order that was structured upon common ownership of theRead MoreEssay On Environmental Pollution706 Words   |  3 Pagesitself. 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