Friday, December 27, 2019

Violence on Televison and its Effect on Children Essay...

â€Å"Bang- Bang!! You’re dead,† Charlie says to Andrew as they are watching Cops on the television. â€Å"NO! That is not fair, we didn’t get into a fight, and we have to get into a fight before we shot each other!† Andrew announced to Charlie as he starts to stand up! â€Å"Well, then steal something and I will come after you just like in the show!† According to one researcher, â€Å"Before children reach the age of 18, they spend approximately 22,000 hours watching television, and about 200,000 violent acts† (Gunter 23). Violence can come in many forms, but out of all the violence in the media, the television plays a large role in child development. There is plenty of evidence that the viewing of violent programs on television contributes to†¦show more content†¦According to Singer, â€Å"Acquiring new aggressive behavioral patterns† is one of the first indications that violent programs can influence a child to learn how t o become more aggressive (70). Second, Singer noted that â€Å"violent programs can provide indications for the most functional behaviors in a particular situation† (70). If people have the wrong motives, then they are punished, but if people have the right motives, they are rewarded. Another form is drawing attention, â€Å"Aggressive children are more inclined to watch violent programs† (Van Der Voort 46). Once children watch a violent program, children are led to be more aggressive and therefore want to keep watching aggressive shows. Finally, the change in attitude towards violence in children are as researchers say that the â€Å"attitudes of violence decreases as the child gets more and more involved in violent shows† (Gunter 48). As children get older and older, their views of violence change for the worse; they no longer see how hurting someone on purpose is wrong. Over time, children not only become even more violent but also are increasingly getting mo re attached to the violence portrayed on television. There are several ways of proving that viewing violent shows can affect aggression in young children. The first way is through direct effect. This is the result of actually doing harm to self or others, â€Å"displaying an increased amount of physical and verbalShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Effect of Television on Humans1334 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effect of Television on Humans 98% of all homes in the U.K. have at least one television in themThroughout our planet we are surrounded by media, through magazines, newspaper, internet, radio and, the most influential, television we are educated the news of the world. Just over 96 years ago the first working mechanical TV system was built, by a man name Boris Rosing, and it’s now, in the 21st century the considered the most popular form of entertainment. 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