Monday, September 16, 2019

Hospital management system Essay

1.User requirements †¢Users can log in and register patients. During registration the users should be able to enter basic patient information. †¢The system should allow the user to schedule an appointment for a new user in which the user should be able to assign the date, time, department and the doctor available at that time †¢Users can search for admitted patient. †¢User can see the department wise appointment and particular day’s outpatient and also see today’s waitlist, transfer or transfer a patient from one department to another department. †¢The user should be able to enter the basic information about the employee and his or her professional details. †¢The user will be able to add the urgency and reminder to patient or cancel an appointment of a particular patient or update patient details etc. †¢The user will be able to see doctor on call schedule department †¢The user will be able to create edit or update a duty plan of a doctor. The user should be able to delete and add a doctor to a particular department. †¢The user should be able to assign a particular bed to a particular patient, or discharge the patient. †¢The user should be able to view the waiting list and from there can transfer the patient. †¢The user should be able to search the patient who is gone through any operation and his or her detail information like operation date, surgeon, therapy etc. †¢The user should be able to view pending requests. 2.System requirements †¢The system should have a log in option and maintain a record of registered patients. †¢The system should categorize â€Å"In Patients† and â€Å"Out Patients† †¢The system should maintain a record of doctor’s schedules in order to allow so that, if a patient wants a particular doctor the system should enable them to search a particular doctor schedule and his or her available time. †¢The system should all allow modification of details. †¢The system should display a list of admitted patients. †¢The system should keep information related to patients which are out patient. †¢The system should allow registration of a new employee. †¢The  system should store today’s doctor on call schedule department. The system should also allow the user to create edit or update a duty plan of a doctor. †¢System should maintain the ward occupancy there room and bed. †¢The system should display details entered by the user of when the transfer a patient form one ward to another or one room to another room or one bed to another bed has taken place. †¢The system should output a waiting list. †¢The system should produce a nursing report, physician orders, diagnostic reports; lab reports etc. and the user should be able to view it. †¢The system should be able to create a duty plan for a particular nurse and also give a quick review of today’s nurses on standby duty. †¢The system should have a form for the user to fill to send a request to laboratory test. The system should maintain a radiological test request that a user can make. 3.Functional Requirements Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that system must perform. The functional requirements for the system are divided into various modules; Registration, Billing, Payroll Module, Outpatient Management, Inpatient Management and Pharmacy A. )Registration module This module of the system captures complete and relevant patient information such as patient registration details, doctors daily schedule list, doctors schedule summary and so on. And automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care process. †¢The system shall include a user authorization procedure where users must identify themselves using a login name and password. Only users who are authorized in this way may access the system data. †¢The system should be able to display enquires about the patient, the patient location, admission and appointment scheduling and discharge details. †¢The system shall record patient registration details and inpatient and outpatient registration details. †¢The system should allow users to modify patient or doctors details †¢The system should automatically give and store medical alerts details. †¢The system shall provide doctors schedule summary and doctors daily schedule list. †¢The system should maintain medical records that keep an abstract of clinical data about patients. B. )Billing module The Patient Billing module handles all types of billing for long-term care. This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different categories of patients like Outpatient, Inpatient and Referral. Therefore in this module: †¢The system should provide automatic posting of charges related to different services like bed charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued, consultant’s fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc. †¢The system should be flexible to allow billing plans to be configured to automatically accept or deny. †¢The system should be tuned to enable this module to capture room and bed charges along with ancillary charges based on the sponsorship category. †¢The system should record the charges for various services rendered. †¢The system should display payment details. †¢The system should display reports and have a printing option. C )Payroll Module †¢The system should calculate total employee salary including reductions and allow the employer to, print salary slips and salary certificates †¢The system should produce PF statements, Gratuity Statements and also provide a monthly analysis. †¢Since the module deals with the maintenance of employee bio-data, the system should keep employee bio data including Attendance / Overtime details. It should also report on absenteeism or leave encasements of an employee. †¢The system should permit the department to conduct Employee Related Activities like appointing the staff, maintaining the employee database, Fixing allowances and deductions, Maintenance of Hospital documents, etc. D.) Outpatient Management module The outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the hospital resident doctor or consultant doctor for medical consultations and diagnosis. In this module: †¢The system should provide instant access to comprehensive patient information to doctors. †¢The system should divide Patient visits into new, follow-up and review and record the appropriate details if any. †¢The  system should handle the modules requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations. †¢The system should define external doctor’s visit to in patients as â€Å"call on†. †¢The system should store patient’s diagnosis details. †¢The system should provide a record of patient’s appointments. †¢The system should store outpatient medical observation details. †¢The system should provide a report on outpatient Treatment History. †¢The system should store the out patients clinical service details and common billing clinical services of the patient †¢The system should support online prescription, online request for Investigations and so on. †¢The system should calculate the cost for the services rendered to the patient and reflect it in the billing module appropriately resulting in smooth billing process. E) Inpatient Management module The inpatient module is designed to take care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Inpatient Management. Therefore: †¢The system should allow this module to automate the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. †¢The system should provide comprehensive data pertaining to Admission of Patients & Ward Management: Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, planned admission, Emergency admission and so on. †¢The system should enable this module to support Ward Management involving the system recording details of a patient being shifted from one ward to the other. †¢The system should display and be able to keep a record of the number of available beds †¢The system should monitor the administration of drugs. †¢The system should display the details of when a doctor is to be or transferred. †¢The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests. †¢The system should keep and display record of patients that are to be or have been discharged; the details should include the expected or the Date and Time of Discharge. †¢The system should allow the module (department) to track every visit made by a patient. F) Pharmacy module Pharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of a pharmacy. †¢The system should allow purchasing of orders. †¢The system should store supplier’s information †¢The system should allow online request for stock from various sub-stores and online stock transfer. †¢The system should maintain the drug inventory. †¢The system should record and allow users to view the expiring date of items. †¢The system should produce a goods receipt. 4. Nonfunctional requirements. Non-functional requirements define the overall qualities or attributes of the resulting system. Performance Requirements Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. †¢The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds. †¢The log in information shall be verified within five seconds. Security †¢The system shall ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access. †¢Through permitting the changing access permissions for the system data to only be done by the system’s data administrator †¢All system data must be backed up every 24 hours and the backup copies stored in a secure location which is not in the same building as the system Reliability †¢The system should perform its required functions under stated conditions if any. †¢The system should have a low rate of failure to deliver the services required by end users. Maintainability: †¢The system should be able to cope with the changing of technology. Size †¢The system should not occupy a large amount of memory disk space. Robustness. †¢After a failure the system should have a backup to assist in immediately functioning as required. 5.Usability requirements Some of the systems usability requirements should include: †¢Informative error messages for example when a record is missing and should be inputted or when incorrect data †¢The system should offer help facilities for users who require further assistance or understanding when using the system. †¢The system should have well-formed graphical user interfaces. †¢The time needed to be taken for users to learn the facilities of the system. †¢How satisfied are the users with the system can be measured by taking a survey. 6. Domain requirements Domain requirements are the requirement that comes from the application domain of the system that reflects the characteristics of that domain. Therefore, as this System is a hospital management System, the domain requirement of this system should concern about the requirements that reflect characteristic of hospital management system. Our hospital management System should contain the characteristics below: †¢The hospital management system must have basic functions: storing, tracking, updating and must be able to generate and display reports also records or details of patients, doctors, medical alerts, doctor’s schedules lists and so on. †¢ Every operation that occurs in the hospital management system must concern of Data Integrity. For example, we do not want the total charges calculated by the system of a patient and displayed not to be not accurate thus causing losses to the hospital making use of this system or a drug records is recorded without including its name or quantity. †¢Each operation that occurs in the hospital management system must be recorded, and the system should generate report from time to time. †¢Regarding security issue, the hospital management system must have an authentication features e to prevent unauthorized access. †¢Authorized person must be able to access the System 24/7 except the system is under maintenance. †¢The system should have a backup unit which will be required when an unexpected system failure event occurs. †¢The system should not only produce reports but also receipt when it comes to drugs to support manual tracking of finances if necessary. †¢The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests and enable responding to them if required. †¢This system must monitor administration of drugs. REFRENCE SWE 626 Team 2 Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specification Document Retrieved from Software Requirements Retrieved from

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