Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Addiction and Addictions Essay

Introduction There are many factors that are damaging today’s society. Addictions are a fast growing concern, it has branched off and caused many problems whether it be related to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, or eating. Addictions are something society faces everyday. Although there are many reasons behind why addiction are growing, and where they stemmed from, today’s society has focused primarily on how someone with an addictions problem can seek help. Also the many Gaps and Barriers around addictions are enabling people who wish to seek help from receiving it. The increasing amounts of people with drug or alcohol addictions has increased vastly over the years especially among young teens who are still yet to be of age to buy alcohol. With addictions being a commonly known problem in society, there should be more awareness put out to people on how to help those with an addiction or more services that are equally accessible for those who wish to seek help on their addic tions. Types of Addictions Drugs and Alcohol Even though drugs and alcohol is widely known as bad in society, people continue to abuse it. Once on has chosen to abuse drugs or alcohol continuously they lose the ability to say â€Å"no† to another drink or † no† to another puff of weed. Soon the person will continuously think about drinking or using drugs, and cannot wait to abuse either substance again. Generally there are two components that stem from drug addiction: physical and psychological dependencies. Physical dependency occurs when a drug has been used habitually and the body has become immune to its effects. Where as psychological dependency occurs where a drug as been used immensely and the mind has become dependant and the mind begins to become emotionally reliant on the effects. Either to feel pleasure or to relieve pain, then the mind does not feel capable of functioning without the drug. Internet Addictions Internet addictions not only include an over excessive amount of chat room participation, but it does not help their social or financial well being. Dysfunctional use of the Internet by children as well as adults can result in diminished participation in the family. Over thirty percent of Canada’s population has reported that they use the Internet to escape from everyday life or problems. Either by finding someone else on chat rooms with the same problems or just playing games or â€Å"surfing† the web. Gambling Addictions Gambling has many traumatic effects in a person’s life if it is abused the wrong way. It can cause people to loose their family; can put a person into bankruptcy, fraud, domestic abuse, theft or even homelessness. Pathological gamblers tend to be under the age of thirty. Six percent of gamblers in Canada commit suicide. The government profit from gambling in Canada is thirteen billion nationally. In Canada 340,000 people have a modern or severe case of a gambling addiction. Eating Addictions Food addictions affect mostly a person’s health. Food addictions lead mostly to eating disorders, such as: obesity, diabetes, bulimia and food allergies. An eating addiction is signaled the same way in our brains as an alcohol addiction. Recent studies on rats have proven that eating triggers a pleasure receptor in our brain. Ten percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male. Eight percent of children in Canada are obese, and twenty three percent are adults. Gaps in Services The majority of agencies have no costs, no referrals, are wheelchair accessible and have age limited restrictions. The new internet addiction has left a gap in services, simply because it went so long before it was † discovered†, agencies are just now figuring out ways to support this  addiction. This makes it hard for someone with an Internet addiction to seek help due to the lack of support out there for the general public to use. Barriers in Services The majority of services are available from ages thirteen plus. Which limits â€Å"teens† under the age of thirteen with addiction problems help. With today’s society having an increasing amount of children drinking, this set’s a bit of a barrier. Since there are no programs offered for children of a young age who have already begun drinking to seek help it allows the problem to grow instead of getting to it when it is still fresh and not yet a full-blown addiction. Although many services do not offer help to those who are disabled. Addiction services are generally offered only in English, which poses a problem for those who have immigrated to Canada or simply have grown up speaking a different language. The hours for addiction centers is limited, unless it is a housing service, most programs run on the nine to five clock, enabling those who seek help after hours from getting the service that is required by them. Local Services Personal Development Programs: Men’s Withdrawal Management Center This shelter is for men going through withdrawals from drugs or alcohol. They offer a short-term residence. Also give information and education sessions for men in a safe environment. Also provide one on one counseling for individuals in purpose of defining specific needs and how to treat them. They take in men who are inebriated, who are going through withdrawals or that are at high risk of falling into old patterns. Service for this center in 7 days a week 24 hours a day, there is no fee; admission is immediate accordingly to bed availability. Advocacy and Referral Programs Mental Health and Addictions Services in Grey Bruce This program also known as DART (drug and alcohol registry of treatment) is helpful for people with addictions or mental health problems locate treatment options. It also links local communities with assessment and referral programs for themselves or people that they know. Socialization Programs CAMH Center For Addictions and Mental Health The largest organization for addictions and mental health in Canada. Its provides research, broad-based education offerings, clinical services and health promotion activities. They provide information on the best services around, their facilities allow you to locate research resource materials, and contribute to addictions and mental health system planning. They are open Monday to Friday 8:30- 4:30, they are only partially accessible, and only provide services in English. Rehab and Therapy Centers FGI World This facilities helps youth with drug or alcohol based addictions. They work with clients one on one with any problems they are having. This is a private organization, and the program is only offered through referral. The program allows you to come and go as pleased, unless you are an involuntary client. The councilors help take you through the steps that got you to where you are and also the choices that you made to get you there. Located on downtown Hamilton. The hours are 8:00am to 6:00 pm. Appointments are to be made no walk inn’s are allowed. Conclusion Throughout this report, there have been examples of all types of addictions. Showing how increasingly they are on the rise, and that day-to-day a new  addiction is born. Without services being available to the new born addictions they continuously grow and there is no way to receive help for them. The amount of young teens becoming addicted to things such as drugs or alcohol has grown increasingly and services are yet to be prepared for that situation. Many of the gaps and barriers within these programs or services are what prevent people from seeking the help they need and deserve. It has been proven that not only are addictions physical they are majority psychological and require a great deal of acknowledgement from family, friends, support groups, and government funded programs, so that people can acquire the amount of treatment necessary. With language and hours of availability being a barrier many people with problems are not getting the help they deserve, Canada needs to broaden its’ options when it comes to addiction programs, allowing twenty-four hour services for people with serious or mild conditions. If the programs continue to enable people from receiving help the amount of people with addictions will continue to increase. Being aware of the problem is the first step to solving one.

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