Monday, September 30, 2019

Nightingale Community Hospital Essay

Registrar, registered child (3 year old patient), obtained insurance card and entered demographics. She was then taken to pre-op where the nurse told mother that once in the OR the surgery would take about 45 minutes and then she would go to recovery. The mother informed the pre-op nurse that once her daughter went into the O.R. she needed to run a quick errand involving an older sibling and would return in time to pick her up once she got out of recovery. The mother gave the pre-op nurse her cell phone number phone number with instructions to contact her if her daughter got out of surgery sooner than expected. The Pre-op nurse wrote her number down on her note pad that she carries around in her pocket. The daughter was taken into surgery by the O.R. nurse nothing was mentioned about the mothers’ phone number or contact instructions to the O.R. nurse. After surgery the daughter was taken to recovery where the recovery nurse took care of the patient until she was ready to go to the discharge ambulatory care. The recovery nurse paged the patients’ mother when she was coming out of anesthesia, but could not locate her. The recovery nurse kept her until ready to go to the ambulatory care for discharge. Security had called and said the father was at the main reception to come visit the daughter. The discharge nurse also tried to page mother, who still was not available. The patient was crying and wanted to go home. The discharge nurse let the father back to see the daughter. After 30 minutes had passed and mother was still not present, the father offered to take the patient, home with him. Since the patient called him daddy and was excited to see him, discharge nurse thought it was ok to send her home with her father. The discharge nurse had him sign all pertinent paperwork sent her home with him. The mother returned 2  ½ hours later and found that the daughter was discharged 30 minutes earlier. Mother was extremely distraught and security was called and a â€Å"Code Pink†Ã‚  (hospital-wide child abduction alert) was activated. Local law enforcement was also contacted by hospital security. When security officer interviewed mother, she shared with him that she and patients father were divorced and that she had full custody of daughter and her siblings. The Daughter was located within 30 minutes of her mother’s arrival by local law enforcement, in the care of her father. He had taken her to his home to await the arrival of the mother. If the Pre-Op nurse would have passed on the mother’s phone number where she could be reached and noted that she was on an errand with sibling, a lot of the events could have been avoided. Roles of Personnel Present Surgeon Supervises the actions of the surgical team, orchestrating their responsibilities and generally responsible for the outcome of the surgery. Chief Nursing Officer Responsible for overseeing and coordinating an organizations’ nursing department and its daily operations. Works to align the nursing staff with the mission, values and vision of the organization. Pre-Op Nurse Bring patient back, Changes her into hospital gown, confirms hours with post-op nurse, confirms patient has a ride home (name and phone number in chart), Witnesses signing of the O.R. consent, and they have a basic understanding of what the surgeon is going to do. Mark side of surgery will be on, Starts their IV, check surgeons orders or per protocol, put on antibiotics, shave or prep area. Check all paperwork. Check to see if there is the surgeons’ history and physical within 30 days. Is there lab work or EKG’s (if needed)? Recovery Nurse Provides constant care to patients immediately following su rgery; anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours until patient is stable enough to be transported to a hospital room or discharged from the facility. Connects patient to cardiac monitoring equipment, and intravenous therapy for fluids and pain medication. Pain intervention-assesses pain levels, makes complete notes on charts, communicates to the PACU nurse & physician. Completes any forms required by facility. Makes patient observation, Takes patients vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and temperature). Ensures patient is breathing properly, and administers oxygen when needed. Must be able to react to signs of negative change, call for assistance and begin CPR if necessary. Discharge Nurse Review surgeons written discharge instructions. Goes over discharge with  patient. Has patient sign discharge instructions Hospital Security Guard Will ensure the safety of the hospital premises. Helps in evacuation drives in times of fire and threats. Interacts with hospital staff of all departments with special emphasis on drug storage areas, infant care units, and ward for mentally ill patients and trauma care. Personnel Issues The Hospital environment can offer some practical challenges that could be barriers in communications. Many patients have individual needs and this can impede on a nurses time and emotions. Nurses put in long hours and have a high patient/nurse ratio or shortage of healthcare workers. Nurses/personnel have to deal with emergencies in an already challenging and busy hospital setting. Dealing with patients takes mental acuity and emotional support and sensitivity. Hospital guidelines might not have sufficient communication practices among personnel in place. Improving Interactions In order to improve interaction amongst personnel there needs to be a constant. That constant needs to be the patients chart following the patient, where hand offs notes from one staff to the next can be kept updated at all times when medications is administered and also when the patient has been checked in and phone numbers can be quickly accessed after surgery and in an emergency to reach the Responsible party that brought the patient in whether it be a friend or parent. Phone numbers and notes involving a minor child, needs to be highlighted in each handoff so the personnel receiving knows there is notes of importance being handed off and read from one department to the next so they know who to reach, and can be quickly reached without having to search in files. When involving a minor child, custody and phone number needs to be consistent on handoff notes from one personnel to another. Risk Management The quality improvement than need to take place in Nightingale regarding a minor, needs to begin at Admission/Registration. All patients admitted requite a bracelet with name of patient, attending doctor and an ID number. In the case of a minor child, the adult admitting will be given an identical bracelet. Upon discharge, the caregiver must match the Childs’ bracelet with the parent/guardian. Without the identical bracelet, child will not be released to anyone until an investigation has been performed through security that  child is being released to the rightful parent/guardian. A new risk management program will be put in place requiring all relevant personnel to attend the workshop in orders to update security issues. These issues will require all floor personnel to attend. All personnel will also be required to call security, imme diately upon knowledge of a patient missing or child abduction. Quality Improvement The aim is to improve security measures in the hospital.  Ã‚ ·The hospital will improve security by requiring all patients to have a patient I D Bracelet and the parent admitting any minor to also have one. Upon discharge Minor patient and Responsible Adult must have matching ID Bracelet before being released from hospital.  ·Security is to be called immediately on any issues that pertain to the safety and wellbeing of any patient and/or the facility.  ·Hire Hospital Security Consulting Service to consult on present security issues and any additional needed improvements. The System will relate to: Improving Patient Safety Measurement The measurement will be to Plot Data for measures. The new measures will be over time, using a run chart to determine whether changes are leading to Improvement. The change will be implemented by a team, to ensure new safety issues are carried out. That team will consist of:  ·Clinical Leader:- MD , Patient Safety Officer  ·Technical Expert:- Quality Control Expert Consultant  ·Day-to-Day Leadership: RN, Manager, Medical/Surgical Nursing  ·Additional Team Members: Risk Manager, Quality Improvement Specialist, Staff Nurse, Staff Education, and Information Technology.  ·Sponsor: MD, Chief Medical Officer The team includes members familiar with all aspects of the process, from managers, Administration to Physicians and nurses and front-line workers. The Executive Sponsor will be responsible for the success of the project The Clinical Leader: has the authority to test and implement change that has been suggested and deal with any issues that arise. Understands clinical implications and consequences. Technical Expert: Knows the subject intimately. An expert on improvement method. Helps the team in determining  the measurement method, design of interpretation, and display of data. Day-to-Day Leadership: Will be the driver of the project, insuring tests are implemented and data is collected. Project Sponsor/Executive Sponsor: the executive liaison with executive authority who serves as the link to senior management and the strategic aim of the organization. Can provide resources and overcome barriers and provide accountability for the teams progress on a regular basis but not day-to-day. Langley, Nolan, Norman, Provost, The Improvement Guide 2009 Security Issue Resource Nightingale Hospital will hire an expert, Hospital Security Consulting Service to assess the security the hospital has in place and how it can better implement its security issues regarding the recent sentinel event and any other issues needed to keep current for Joint Commission Standards. This consulting firm will also provide the risk management workshop to all employees in regard to patient care personnel security issues, to support the new changes. All employees, hospital-wide, will be updated to all quality improvements and risk management guidelines. References JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 4th edition (e-book); July 2010 Philip Stahel; Patient Safety Surgery Journal, 2009, 3:14 Langley G.L., Nolan K M, Norman C L, Provost LP The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance (2nd edition) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing; 2009

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Character Analysis of Florante and Laura Essay

I. Florante at Laura Florante and Laura are the main characters of the great metrical romance of arguably the greatest Filipino poet, Francisco Balagtas. Florante is the son of Duke Briseo and Princess Floresca of Albania and the main protagonist of the romance. Laura is the daughter of King Linceo of Albania and the love interest of Florante and is later married to him. This is a package deal, because they can’t stand alone on their own for their cultural meaning stems from them being together, as they symbolize love overcoming extreme difficulties, even the great divide of culture, family and religion. The relationship between Florante and Laura is so divine and special because their love for each other proved that love conquers all. Their love for each mother must set a standard to all of us that we should fight for the one we love and cherish the most. In the story, even if there were so many obstacles and problems that came into their lives they still manage to maintain what they have for each other. It should be an example to all of us of how real love is. II. Comparison or Parallelism Local: Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara are the two protagonists in Jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere. They share a love that even distance can’t break. Just like the happenings between Florante and Laura. They’ve been separated or away from each other for some days, weeks, months or even years but their love stay. Another similarity is the love triangle present in both stories. In Florante and Laura, there is Adolfo who wants to destroy the love between the lovers to get Laura. In Noli Me Tangere, there is Linares who wants to marry Maria Clara. Even if there’s someone who tried to ruin their love they still remain faithful to each other. One of the best similarities of them is  that they are willing to die just to protect each other. Crisostomo is ready to fight the Spaniards or even the priests to set Maria Clara free but unfortunately Maria Clara died inside the convent and Crisostomo was left with revenge and guilt in his heart. On the other hand, Florante fight his enemies even if it means that it’ll cost his life. Good thing Florante manage to stay alive. Foreign: Romeo and Juliet The very famous Romeo and Juliet can be compared to our very own Florante and Laura because of the flow of their story and most significantly its theme. The theme is the difference of their culture and family. The Montagues and the Capulets are very nice enemies so if someone established an intimate relationship with one another it’s a sin. In Florante and Laura, there’s a conflict between cultures and because of that their families became nice enemies also. Same as Crisostomo Ibarra and Florante, Romeo has a competitor also for the hands and heart of Juliet, his name is Paris. Paris is the suitor of Juliet and the Capulets want Paris to be Juliet’s husband but we all know that Romeo is the one for Juliet. This shows that if you really love the person you will not be attracted to another person even if he do good to you or even if your family wants him for you. You should follow your heart if it is what makes you happy, you should fight for it even if it means that you will have a battle and war between people. The good thing that happens in the end of both stories is of course when their families finally have peace. This happened on Romeo and Juliet when both families realize that it’s wrong to fight each other for a very long time if they should have resolved it from the very first time it occurs when Romeo and Juliet died together. In Florante and Laura peace was made when all of the fights were ended and their religions and culture became one. III. Conclusion The similarities on the characters are very obvious. They would do anything for love and they symbolize love as being able to overcome obstacles and problems in life. I’ve learned that love conquers all and if you really love someone you should not be ashamed to fight for it even if the things that you will encounter are as hard as a diamond. Time flies so fast you’ll never know what will happen so you must cherish and do everything you can do to make every moment lasts. I think another thing that I’ve learned is that you should not be fooled by prejudice because some conflicts are caused by that. But the main lesson of the stories and the characters is love is unconditional and sacrificial.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Slant On

, # 8220 ; The Old Man And The Sea # 8221 ; Essay, Research Paper Santiago: A Perfect Role Model for Manolin In the novel, # 8220 ; The Old Man and the Sea # 8221 ; , Hemingway builds a character that is easy comparative to any great hero or graven image in history. This character, named # 8220 ; Santiago # 8221 ; displays the features needed to suppress his conflicts or at least make all he can to accomplish his ends. This is particularly of import sing the fact that he is looked at as a wise man of kinds by another character, the immature male child named? Manolin. ? Manolin has known the old adult male since the age of five. As a protege to Santiago, Manolin has grown to hold a great trade of regard for the old adult male. This is represented by the male child? s avidity to stand by the old adult male? s side no affair what the state of affairs is. Santiago is the prototype of the homo will, and a show for how bravery and doggedness are able to win over troubles that seem about impossible to get the better of. Early on in the novel, we see that the old adult male has fallen onto difficult times in his fishing profession. This is non the first clip this has happened though. It has been many yearss since his last gimmick and the state of affairs looks really black to those who do non cognize the old adult male? s desire and bravery. They see the# 8220 ; furrows # 8221 ; , and # 8220 ; malignant neoplastic disease blotches # 8221 ; of an old adult male, but non the eyes, which# 8220 ; have remained unchanged. # 8221 ; Most of the townsfolk know of Santiago? s looking discouragement, and their reactions to this are slightly disconnected. A good part of the townsfolk and chap fishermen sympathize for Santiago and keep a great trade of regard for this fallen hero. But the others shun him and his curst fishing fortune. They are superstitious and experience that he brings a dark cloud to loom over the small town that will cuss all of them with his exact bad fortune. However, it is clear to the reader that it is what Santiago possesses, which the pessimistic fishermen do non, that gives the old adult male an overall advantage. This prized ownership is identified by the reader as a strong will. It appears that Santiago has ever coveted the strong will. Once known as # 8220 ; El Campeon # 8221 ; , because of his singular arm-wrestling and fishing abilities, it appears that he still obtains this strong will inside him. As a human-centered in the truest sense, he was more than willing to learn the immature Manolin everything he knew of angling while Manolin was merely a really immature kid. In return, a great trade of esteem was formed by Manolin in acknowledgment for the befriending by Santiago. Presently, nevertheless, Manolin, like many of the other fishermen isn? t absolutely clear on how to react to the old adult male? s quandary. He realizes that the old adult male is in an improbably atrocious fishing drouth, but he besides remembers their doggedness in the yesteryear and the wagess they reaped for it. He decides that he will take non to listen to others such as his male parent and what they have to state, and continue in support of his friend. As a mark of his trueness, Manolin foremost asks the old adult male if he may attach to him on his following twenty-four hours? s trip to sea. At first this supplication is turned down by the old adult male. But after farther bargaining and a spot of reminiscing of better times, the old adult male agrees to some aid from the male child. The reluctance by Santiago shows his attention for the male child? s wellbeing. It is merely the adult male? s assurance in his salvation that allowed him to eventually accept the male child? s offer of aid. Santiago? s certainty in this # 8220 ; salvation # 8221 ; is perplexing to some, while Manolin has no problem hold oning the thought. This is because the qualities that have been instilled into the male child are the same as the old adult male? s. They are genuinely believing on the same wavelength. This separates, or isolates them from the remainder of the small town ; but neither the male child nor the adult male truly cares. Subsequently in the book comes the difficult trial of Santiago? s mental and physical strengths. Finally, his opportunity for salvation, comes in the signifier of a Very big fish. In fact, it is the largest fish the old adult male has of all time attempted to catch. A great conflict between the old adult male and the fish Begins. This conflict, nevertheless, is non one fueled by fury and defeat, but instead by bravery and volitions. The old adult male and the fish are similar in certain facets. These facets are recognized by the old adult male, and this is why the conflict is such an honest one apparently on both terminals of the rope. # 8220 ; There is a difference between ? killing? and the ceasing of allowing an animate being die. # 8221 ; Santiago knows this, and he is good determined to convey in the mighty fish, and intelligibly so. # 8220 ; When an single sees that all finite centres and truenesss are fliting and incapable of being permanent objects of religion, so he will abdicate all old attempts in desperation, repent in humbleness, and appreciatively do the motion of religion by which entirely his life can go meaningful and worthwhile. # 8221 ; Yet at the same clip his regard for the fish and award of his ain character clutters any opportunities of pure satisfaction for the salvation that would be the violent death of the fish. Santiago found award in everything he did. He was non a mendicant ; though he had much to implore for. He was non a quitter ; though failure long stared him in the eyes. Most significantly, he was a lovingness adult male. He cared for himself and others every bit. It was easy to see that these traits had so been passed down to Manolin. Just as the old adult male found no # 8220 ; loss of true pride # 8221 ; in his failures, the male child found similarly in his friendly relationship with the old adult male. After all, in Hemingway? s # 8220 ; hunt for wider societal significance # 8221 ; , # 8220 ; The Old Man and the Sea # 8221 ; showed it is non success that determines one? s worth. It is, as the male child and the adult male both knew, character that is the true clincher. Bibliography A ) Klemke, E.D. # 8220 ; The Meaning of Life # 8221 ; New York: Oxford University Imperativeness 1981, p. 166 B ) # 8220 ; Hemingway # 8221 ; Compton? s Pictured Encyclopedia, vol. GH Chicago: 1957 p. 378 C ) Hemingway, Ernest # 8220 ; The Old Man and the Sea # 8221 ; New York: Simon A ; Schuster 1995 D ) Singer, Peter # 8220 ; Applied Ethics # 8221 ; New York: Oxford University Imperativeness 1986, p. 87-88

Friday, September 27, 2019

Solid Waste Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solid Waste Analysis - Essay Example Moreover, the underlying question of whether or not all waste products are resources waiting to be used will be answered. Before delving into such a critique, it is necessary to understand that the current economic system is gravely different from even that which existed but a few scant years ago. This is the result of the fact that when one views the history of industrial creation within the world, raw materials were plentiful, cheap, and readily available. As a function of this, a particular type of consumer culture developed in which it was oftentimes more expedient and cheaper to purchase an entirely new product than it was to have the older one fixed. However, as resources have increased in price as a function of scarcity and increasing demands on consumer markets, the use and re-use of recycled material has become increasingly popular. The example that is used is the way that waste, formerly understood as worthless mass that must find a place to be stored, came to be something that was desirable and profitable for firms to seek to reclaim. One can of course consider that forms of plastic and metal would of course be something valuable to firms; however, biomass as well has the potential of generating profits for many firms (Middleton, 2008). Although it is interesting that the technology has increased in the way that it has, the fact of the matter is that it is the profitability of the waste that has driven companies and individuals to seek to extract it from refuse is the real motivating factor; not the desire to be more efficient or to reduce the impact on the environment. Although it is definitely a positive thing that the overall level of waste has been reduced, it would be premature to assume that the technology alone can solve the issue of waste within our current system. The fact of the matter is that the world economy has grown and continues to grow, world populations have grown as well and the overall level of waste that is being produced is incr easing each and every year. Due to the fact that the world currently has a much higher population concentration as well as a subsequently high level of consumer goods demanded, it is vitally important to consider the means whereby these needs and demands might continue to be met without the disastrous effects on the environment that previously have been engaged as a function of short sighted means of production and a complete lack of recycling. (Weitz et al, 2002). By pointing out high density populations as a prime example of the way in which an economic system can utilize waste to increase growth, the reader can use this as a powerful example for the way in which other entities and governments can engage the same idea to effect positive change and profits as well. Ultimately, the reader can understand that the changes in technology and economics have meant that nearly no form of waste is without a potential to be used in a profitable way. Although it is not possible to state that there will soon be a time in which nothing will be discarded entirely, the movement that has been experienced and exhibited within the past several decades illustrates the way in which interested parties can seek to increase efficiency and generate a profit based upon refuse that had previously been marked as a liability to the surrounding area (Wang & Nie, 2001). Although the discoveries and changes that have given to the system help the reader to understand the ways in which current technology has helped to reclaim a wide variety of man-made material from solid waste, there is also the unmentioned issue with relation to the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The implications of the deviations of the purchasing power Essay

The implications of the deviations of the purchasing power - Essay Example The deviation from PPP will also result in the variation of operating margins significantly. This will in turn affect the competitiveness of the multi-national companies. The main reason for the failure of Law of One Price is the presence of transaction cost. When the deviation of the exchange rate from PPP raises, arbitrage forces will later on become more strong. For a company who deals with differentiated goods, by grouping under one category, the PPP will deviate and this will result in increase in arbitrage forces.Question 2: You are hired by a South African firm with all local costs that has recently entered the export market. The firm prices their contracts in US$, as this is necessary to gain market share. They now realize that with 25% of sales as exports, they face a reasonably sized exchange rate exposure and are not sure whether they should hedge it or not. Knowing that you have training in international financial management, they ask you for advice. Provide a summary of your response on the types of foreign exchange risk this company faces and whether the firm should hedge the exposure. The Company Faces Transaction Risk and Economic Risk:â€Å"Transaction risk, which is basically cash ï ¬â€šow risk, deals with the effect of exchange rate moves on transactional account exposure related to receivables (export contracts), payables (import contracts), or repatriation of dividends. An exchange rate change in the currency of denomination of any such contract will result in a direct transaction exchange rate risk to the ï ¬ rm†.

Discuss and critically assess the assertion that the role of marketing Essay

Discuss and critically assess the assertion that the role of marketing - Essay Example The essay will go on to compare whether marketing has a more functional rather than strategic role in the era of modern marketing and how this is reflected in modern marketing strategies in the modern corporate world. The Marketing concept entails the philosophy that firms should be able to analyse consumer needs and then make any decisions to satisfy those needs (Nakata.C.2002). The concept is fairly new and only found its way into modern business philosophy after the Second World War. (Nakata.C.2002). However even in the 18th century economists like Adam Smith in his book the wealth of nations 1776 were of view that needs of the producers should only be viewed in sync with the needs of the consumers (Nakata.C.2002). There has been much academic consensus that the role of marketing is often viewed from too narrow a perspective. (Anttila 2002, Anderson 1982).This assertion then begs the question as to what is the comprehensive perspective of the marketing concept. Thus it would seem that the wider role of marketing synthesizes a variety of particular skills and practices learned as well as resources created "translating the philosophy into specific business strategies in order to achieve competitive advantages and superior performance".Antilla 2002). Strategic planning, is how an organisation defines its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. (Schultz 1994).The concept of marketing on the other hand has come a long way. As long back as 1910 there was "a period of conceptualization" for marketing and it was celebrated as "matter in motion". (Robert 1976) During the following decades the concept of marketing then integrated and developed and it was given agreed that the functional institutional commodity analysis of marketing was unsatisfactory and a definition of marketing evolved (Robert 1976). Marketing as a necessity for all stages of production Selling gets differentiated from marketing by the fact that selling is only done when a product is made available on the shelf within a retail outlet while marketing starts right at the beginning as early as the idea is conceived or being developed (Orpen, 1985).This contention above alone would demonstrate how marketing has penetrated the earlier stages of production and how it has become indispensable for making the strategies succeed. (Anderson 1982)All this however also entails that the narrow, specialist approach to marketing would weaken the strategic planning itself.(Anderson 1982,Shiner 1998) Marketing as an integral and strategic part of the general management orientation In the understanding of the role of marketing vis a vis strategic planning a much seasoned approach would be to assess the relationship between the two before passing a judgment on the role of modern marketing. As I have mentioned before strategic planning concerns the "direction of business"(Robert 1976) as regarding its production, output finance and operations. Where does marketing fit in then Marketing will fill in the gap and solidify the strategic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Crisis Management in Enhancing Business Continuity and Research Paper

Strategic Crisis Management in Enhancing Business Continuity and Stability - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that organizations in different sectors encounter the risk of disruptive events. The effects vary from simple or minor inconvenience that briefly disrupts the usual activities to the closure of the business. This problem necessitates crisis management. Crisis management is an enterprise’s pre-established strategies and activities that are intended for planning, responding as well as rectifying significant disastrous incidents or events An organization’s success is greatly associated with its formulation of crisis management programs which incorporate risk management, disaster recovery, communication and emergency response programs. The organization should develop the competence to respond flexibly and promptly as soon as crisis occurs. Crisis management may include rehearsal and teamwork in the attempt to establish the most appropriate response to unforeseen, detrimental occurrences. If an enterprise is adequately equipped for the most detrimental circumstances, then it is capable of handling other scenarios as well. Businesses can be better equipped to solve sudden events that may possibly result in stern or severe damage, jeopardizing their stability as well as continuity. In respect to business continuity, crisis management will facilitate recognition of potential issues which threaten an enterprise, and provide strategy for establishing resilience as well as the capacity for an efficient reaction. Crisis management facilitates business stability by eliminating or reducing losses associated with unforeseen, negative incidents. Managers encompass a strategic duty and a role to ensure their businesses or organizations are conscious of all aspects of business crises as well as planning in advance so as to minimize their effects. Thesis Statement In respect to business stability, several aspects that are likely to weaken the operations of an organization are emphasized. The essential and fundamental strat egy that various businesses implement to respond to business crisis in an attempt to enhance their stability will be considered. Contributions of crisis management in ensuring continued existence of businesses will also be studied. Speight defined business continuity as the procedure that indicates potential factors that intimidate an enterprise and offers a stratagem for creating flexibility as well as the aptitude for responding to business-related risks effectively. During a business crisis, a response should essentially safeguard stakeholders’ interests, and organization’s brand, reputation, long-term survival as well as value-creating actions. In the article, Speight provided a detailed perspective of crises, emergencies as well as disaster mitigation in an enterprise. The chief business disaster is considered to be an incident that extremely affects business operations with the highest chance of terminating its entire activities. An organization should formulate and adopt several procedures or strategies that it may be used to respond to disasters. Modern techniques used in business continuity management, include business continuity and risk assessment plan which ensures that businesses are resilient as well as prepared to offset risks. These techniques are significant in crisis management since they not only facilitate the assessment of risks but also assist in formulation of risk management plans. The issue of business continuity is identified to be of critical concern which has continuously being researched and enhanced over time. Business continuity aspects are upheld by safety standards or legislation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

HU-Midterm Composition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HU-Midterm Composition - Assignment Example Therefore, the work portrays the events in the ancient Egypt. It is claimed that the British archaeologist, once J. E. Quibell, place this art in this location during his 1897/98 excavation season. Alongside his colleagues, they deposited stemming artifacts that would later be recorded in the history of the ancient Egypt. These artifacts contained fragments of the ceremonial head of Narmer alongside other mace head fragments with some other inscribed with the Horus ‘Scorpion the name that was traced to be the name of one of the Narmer’s predecessors. Regardless of these findings and records of the Palette of Narmer, there are still doubts that the exact finding circumstances related this palette are not exact; thus, it appears that a lot of contradicting publications have been published concerning Quibell’s work at Hierakonpolis. Nonetheless, the general military symbolism relating to the palette is still clear and acceptable (Stokstad and Cothren 26). The palette of Narmer describes the kingdom of the ancient Egypt while the Stele of Naram Sin presents the northern Mesopotamia kingdom that existed in 2332 BCE pictorially. It is apparent that these two pieces of art were used to describe the historical events of this time. In the 2334 BCE, there were loosely linked sites known as the Sumer. Sargon of Akkad became the great king who emerged to control these cities. Later, Naram Sin the grandson of Sargon initiated victory stele at Sippar in order to commemorate his Lullubi’s victory (Stokstad and Cothren 36). It is under these circumstances that the Stele of Naram Sin art created to signify his divinity. Therefore, it is clear these two pieces of art were related to actions of the ancient Kings. At some levels of understanding, it is apparent that the Stele of Naram Sin and the palette of king Narmer present a striking parallelism. Nonetheless, both of them are designed to commemorate

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Manipulation of Language used in Brave New World and Animal Farm Essay

The Manipulation of Language used in Brave New World and Animal Farm - Essay Example In doing so, there is chaos and disturbance which gives the reader an apocalyptic image of the world. For example, in Brave New World the society is made to conform to a certain culture and belief system. It is trained into believing that everyone is destined to be in the role that they have been placed into, by influence as the Director of Hatcheries in the novel puts it: "that is the secret of happiness and virtue - liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny.† (Huxley, Ch. 1. 1946). The Director of Hatcheries uses his language to keep all the lower classes content with what they had and to explain to them that that was the only way that they could lead a life. Mustapha Mond believes that the future idealistic world will consist of conditioned and processed humans who will submit to the social conventionality. Hence, he governs a very surreal image of humans who are driven away from books and obliged to chas e after science. Mond uses his knowledge of the Bible and language of Shakespeare to control a totalitarian state. He makes language a paradox for others, so much so that when John quotes the words from The Tempest, â€Å"brave new world†, there is more hostility involved in it than awe because Mustapha Mond creates the World State to look at things in such a manner. Likewise, the language of the pigs becomes ridiculously elitist, controlling, incoherent and a meandering discourse when they speak. This technique highlights the usurpation of power as one of the dominant themes of the novel. The language controls the reality. The linguistic skills of the pigs overpower the undersized language of the rest of the animals. The novel opens with the narrative that quickly ascertains the dominance of language through the speech of old Major who â€Å"was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite ready to lose an hour’s sleep in order to hear what he had to sayâ⠂¬  (Orwell, Ch.1. 1954). This sets an authoritative and paternal language structure which is hammered into the other animals like a mandatory act or law even after his death: â€Å"Our lives are miserable, laborious and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the  last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth. But is this simply part of the order of nature?† (Orwell, Ch.1. 1954) This is probably the most ironic speech in the novel. What Old Major believes he and his fellow animal kingdom has witnessed about humans, the animals have to undergo under the pigs’ rule after Old Major’s depart ure. When Orwell says â€Å"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity† (Orwell, PE, 1947, para 13) he means precisely under these circumstances. He emphasizes that dictatorship ruins the language of a particular region according to history. The pigs are insincere towards their fellow

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bret Harte Essay Example for Free

Bret Harte Essay The United States has some of the best literature that has ever been written. American literature is very well refined and unique from other countries. In the writing world, American literature has not even been around that long. The past 337 years that America has been a country is relatively short compared to the thousands of years that literature has existed. The many great American writers are what make American literature able to overcome its short lifespan and be one of the greatest countries for literature in the world. From Washington Irving to Mark Twain, American authors are responsible for American literature’s current amazing state. One certain author played an especially important role in shaping a specific genre in American literature. Bret Harte is the man responsible for making the Western genre of literature popular. His stories are captivating. Bret Harte was able to contribute to the rise of American literature by shaping the Western genre so that other authors may adapt to his new style of writing, and by writing some of the most memorable stories of all time, such as â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat. † Bret Harte was born in Albany, New York, on August 25, 1836. He was raised as one of his family’s four children. Harte was very ill from ages six to ten, which gave him free time for reading (Franks 829). This time for reading had a great influence on Harte, giving him blocks for him to build on in his writing career. He was especially affected by the writings of British author Charles Dickens (Franks 829). His family was so poor, that they were unable to afford for him to finish school (Franks 829). When his father died in 1845, Harte and his family moved to Brooklyn. When his mother became engaged again, he and his family moved to Oakland, where his mother was married. His family was still very poor though. These times of hardship were also very influential on his writing. He was able to understand difficult struggles, thus making the problems that his characters face in his stories more interesting. He connected with his characters in many ways when they would experience times of hardship. His time in Oakland is what made him such a great â€Å"Western† writer. It made writing about the Wild West natural for him. Harte then moved to Union, California, but was run out of town after publishing a newspaper story about local white men slaughtering Indians. Harte married Anna Griswold, and they had four children together. They lived together in San Francisco, where Harte wrote most of his popular stories and became quite famous. During the height of his popularity, he signed a contract with The Atlantic Monthly for $10,000 for 12 stories a year, the most money then offered to a U. S. writer (â€Å"Hutchinson’s†). His fame led to his stories becoming even more popular, but it would also go to his head. The main genre used in most of Harte’s stories is the â€Å"Western†. According to The New Encyclopedia Britannica, the â€Å"Western† is defined as â€Å"an original genre of novels and short stories, motion pictures, and television and radio shows that are set in the American West, usually in the period from the 1850s to the end of the nineteenth century,† (598). An average Western story was about a cowboy fighting Indians or a sheriff catching a bad guy, but Harte made his special. Of those stories, one of the most popular is â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat. † This story is about a group of people who are kicked out of their town for being â€Å"bad† people. They set up camp together and attempted to work with each other to stay alive. The group experiences many setbacks, including a member betraying them, a long snowstorm, and a shortage of food. While the reader watches the story unfold, he or she starts to see that these people really are not that bad, and perhaps they did not deserve this punishment. This story is very different from the traditional Western stories. In â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat,† Harte is able to make criminals seem like good guys. Usually a â€Å"Western† is about a perfect main character, who stops the bad guys; but in this story, the main characters are some of the worst people in the town. His is also different from traditional â€Å"Westerns† in the way that it does not have any guns. When most people think of a â€Å"Western,† they think of guns, but Harte was able to change that. He wrote a story with no guns at all, and it is able to focus more on the characters and their feelings, rather than action and violence. Harte goes far beyond the ordinary way of writing with this story. In the opening paragraph of â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat,† Harte writes: As Mr. John Oakhurst, gambler, stepped into the main street of Poker Flat on the morning of the twenty-third of November, 1850, he was conscious of a change in its moral atmosphere since the preceding night. Two or three men, conversing earnestly together, ceased as he approached, and exchanged significant glances. There was a Sabbath lull in the air, which, in a settlement unused to Sabbath influences, looked ominous. (â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat†) As is visible in this paragraph, Harte was a very descriptive writer. He was able to paint a picture in the reader’s mind and effectively set his story’s mood. The characters that Harte used in this story were very significant. As said by Abby H. P. Werlock, his characters included â€Å"the stoic gambler, the soft-hearted prostitute, the unthinking drunk, and the vigilante committee driven by personal interests and blinded by the passion of a moment† (Werlcok). All of these characters that Harte used are still seen in many Western stories today. In fact, they are quite typical in modern Western stories, but Harte was the one to come up with them. Shaping the Western genre and writing some of the most memorable stories of all time, such as â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat,† was how Bret Harte was able to contribute to the rise of American literature. After Harte’s era, â€Å"Westerns† became much more popular. He forever changed American literature to be much more Western themed. Harte will always be remembered as one of the best authors of all time, and more specifically, the man who changed the way Western stories are written.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Relationship Between Inflation and Wage Rates

Relationship Between Inflation and Wage Rates The R square is also known as the goodness of fit. The R- square is found between zero and one. If the R-square is close to one, it is a good fit and if it is near to zero, it is not a good fit. Now, if the R-square is equal to one, it is a perfect fit (R-square=1). The formula for R-square is explained sum of square divided by the total sum square. R -Square = ESS/TSS In this model, there are 59 observations where the R-square is 0.512 and in terms of percentage it is 51.2 which is a bit low. The value 53 is obtained by (58-5) and 58 is obtained by (59-1). When R square comes out to be a positive figure, it is recognised as the â€Å"coefficient of multiple correlation†. The R square is 51.2 which is low and is not a good fit because data was not available in the wage rate index in Mauritius before 1992. Therefore, the inflation rate can be resolved with government intervention. The adjusted R square is 0.466 and the root MSE is 0.42203. Blue means Best linear Unbiased Estimator. BLUE comes from the model of Gauss Markov Theorem. Firstly, Best is about the variance which comes out to be the smallest in value. Secondly, Linear means that the function should be a linear one. Thirdly, Unbiased means that the expected beta hat should be equal to the value of the real beta. Finally, it is an efficient one as it has the least variance in the model. Multicollinearity came out from the research work of Ranger Frisch. The VIF is a good way to detect multicollinearity. If the VIF is more than 10, then there is the problem of multicollinearity. In our model the VIF is less than 10. If in multicollinearity, the R-square is greater the model will be good. Table 4.5 is on Multicollinearity Test used VIF Factor Variable VIF 1/VIF In IMP 9.5 0.18603 In PPI 8.69 0.17937 In EXP 8.54 0.11704 In GDP 4.36 0.229406 In INF 1.1 0.908899 Autocorrelation is â€Å"correlation between members of observations ordered in time [as in time-series data] or space [as in cross sectional data]†. Autocorrelation is concerned with time series analysis. Autocorrelation can be positive as well as negative in figures. In a simpler way, it can be understood that the disturbance term is not affected by other mode of observation. Ho: no serial correlation H1: serial correlation Table 4.6 on Heteroskedasticity and serial correlation TEST CHI2 PROB >CHI2 DF Heteroskedasticity 0.19 0.6614 Serial correlation 1.043 0.3071 1.00 When the P-value is greater than 0.1, we should accept the null hypothesis (Ho) .In other words, there will be no serial correlation. Ho : Homoscedasticity H1: Heteroscedasticity A second test is for the problem of heteroscedasticity. The above table is showing a probability value which is lower than 0.1, meaning that heteroscedasticity is present in the model; the estimators are not BLUE and thus need to be corrected by taking robust standard errors. 4.4  Regress and Analysis Table 4.7  Regression and Analysis Table 4.7 Dependent wage Dependent: Wage Variables Coefficients P-value Std Err t-ratio In INF 1.152907 0.096 0.709871 1.62 In EXPORT 2.4042 0.017 0.971344 2.48 In IMPORT -3.44879 0.000 0.541179 -6.37 In GDP 0.500892 0.115 0.312145 1.6 In PPI 3.3688 0.000 0.667596 5.05 CONSTANT 2.904849 0.492 4.200478 0.69 Number of observations 59 F( 5,53) 11.12 Prob> F 0 R-Squared 0.512 It has been stated that when there is an increase in inflation rate, the wage rate should be increased by 1.152907. It is a positive sign. This is so because both in sugar sector and manufacturing sector where most of the people are employed, the wage rate is rising. Nowadays even the tourism and financial sector are moving in a positive trend and are employing more workers. The wage rate is increasing because they are making profits and the trade union is bargaining for higher wages. The inflation rate is significant and the p value is 0.096. As the p value is below 0.1 we will reject the null hypothesis. In Oswald (1982) where the prices were increasing more than the wage but in the end wages have been increased with the bargaining power of the trade union. Apart from inflation, there are many factors that affect the wage rate such as social and politics. The government of Mauritius has set up the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) and the National Remuneration Board (NRB) to determine the wage rate of the civil servants and those people working in the private sectors. In Mauritius, every five years, the PRB gives a rise in the wage rate so that the employees can be compensated for the increase in the inflation rate. When the PRB does not make any effect on the wage rate, the government might or should move towards the national minimum wage scheme. It is argued in Mauritius the wage-price spiral holds, as there is higher inflation rate in the country where the workers get an increase in their wage rate. The government of Mauritius compensates the employees by giving them wage compensation which is calculated by the PRB (Pay Research Bureau) on a five years basis. As, the nominal wage increase, it can be seen that people tend to demand more, whereby price will increase again and in the end, once again, they will be compensated for their loss in their purchasing power. This is similar to the theory of Blanchard (1986) where he reports that as soon as there is a rise in the aggregate demand, the price level goes up and the employees wage rate have been increased. It has been shown in his theory that wage price spiral dynamics is found in all economy around the world when the decisions of the price and wage rate are not taken at the same time. In Mauritius, the PRB (Pay Research Bureau) reports to increase and compensate the wage r ate come after five years. Therefore, the price and wage rate decision are not taken at the same time in Mauritius. Therefore, Mauritius is influenced by wage-price spiral where wage rate of an employee should be increased when it is affected by the inflation rate. Moreover, there has been an increase in the export prices, so it is absolute automatic that the wage rate should rise by 2.4042. It is a positive figure and it is also significant. The alternative hypothesis should be accepted. The products that Mauritius exports are fisheries, sugar, flowers, clothes, jewellery and others. Mauritius exports most of its products to the European countries in the world. In the Manufacturing sector, in the 1970 Mauritius had an export processing scheme to export clothes abroad which were quite helpful. Apart from the EPZ scheme, Mauritius was also focusing on the MEDIA (Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority) 1984 where it helps Mauritius to export its products abroad more easily as well as help investors to invest in Mauritius. In 1997, the export of the products of EPZ has helped to bring a rise in the GDP. In Subramanian and Roy (2001) reports that as Mauritius was exporting its products, it helps the Mauritian people to have a better standard of living and leads towards economic growth. In the past, the government was also giving subsidy on export to decrease the effect of implicit tax on the goods that were exported. As Mauritius is exporting more products to abroad, money is coming into the country and the companies are making huge amounts of profits. The export companies are making huge amount of profits by sending their products abroad. As, the companies are maximising their profits, thus the company is more open to pay the labour a higher wage rate. The Export leads to economic growth so the wage rate of all employees should be increased. Furthermore, it has been stated in the theory that when there is an increase in the GDP, the wage rate should be increased so that people can have a better standard of living. According to Marinakis (1980), when there is an increase in the GDP, the wage rate has moved up in the Latin America. Unfortunately, it is not possible in the case of Mauritius. It is quite surprising to note that the GDP will not increase wage rate in Mauritius. The wage rate will not be increased by 0.500892 which has a positive sign and the p value is 0.115 which is non-significant as the p-value is greater than 0.1. Therefore, the p value is moderately important as it is closer to 0.1. The wage rate will not increase in Mauritius because it is the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) and the National Remuneration Board (NRB) do not depend on the GDP rate to bring an increase in the wage rate by giving wage compensation to the employees. The wage compensation is decided through the tripartite meeting in Mauritius. In t he Journal of Sobhee (2009) shows that GDP has increased by 3 % in 2005. An increase in GDP rate in Mauritius will not bring an increase in the wage rate. GDP has some shortcomings which cannot be ignored. Firstly, GDP may not be recorded such as the underground economy and poor data collection. In Mauritius, the wage rate index data is available since 1992. Before 1992, there was no data on the wage rate index which shows a poor data collection was in practice in Mauritius before 1992. Nevertheless, it has to be highlighted that the import turns out to be negative -3.44879 as it was expected. The p value is 0 and it is significant .It has become negative because revenue are going abroad from Mauritius. Most of the products that Mauritius imported come from Europe and from different parts of the world such as China, India and among others. In Sargan (1980), the government has put into practice the floating exchange rate where he varied the exchange rate system and keep hold of the import prices. This is different from the analysis as there has been the use of indirect taxes and ad-valorem tax rate in the other economy. The imports prices turn out to be negative because we are importing more products and less goods are being produced locally. Also, wages are rising more than the level of productivity level in the country, such as in the EPZ sector. Therefore, the wage rate will not be increased as the import figure is -3.44879. Factor price equalisation has to be taken into account in this study. Samuelson (1986) uses the theory of Heckscher –Ohlin (1919) to introduce the factor price equalisation model o show the one to one relationship between relative commodity price and relative factor price. There are three assumptions which are as follows: Firstly, there should be country A and country B that are producing both goods, the same level of technologies and there is equalisation of the prices of the product in both countries. Let’s assume that Mauritius is export capital-intensive products such as clothing and import labour intensive products, for instance, food. The price of the import will be higher in Mauritius compared to the other nation as Mauritius would have produced and export the product if the price was lower, that is, comparative advantage. Mauritius is trading more; this will cause a fall in the wage rate of the country. Finally, when there is an increase in the producer price, the wage rate should be moved up by 3.3688. This is so because the trade union especially in the public sector and the sugar sector are very strong to bargain for a higher wage rate so that people have a better standard of living on this blue planet. Therefore, the producer can charge for a higher price for their products. Even in the private sector the wage rate is increased by the trade union and the forces of demand and supply. The trade union has bargained to bring a rise in the wage rate and it has increased as they were having more money into their hands as the wage rate has goes up. In Mauritius, the producer price is useful for the sellers as well as the buyers to take precaution in advance against the coming inflation rate. The producer price will also be increased when the country is moving towards economic growth. In Borum (1981), the analysis is the same and there has been the use of anti-inflation programme to dea l with inflation rate. The difference is that the wage rate is calculated in hourly earnings and in Mauritius it is based on normal hours of work. Even, the producer price turns out to be significant and the alternative hypothesis will be accepted. The producer price index shows the producer price meaning the producer inflation. As the producer price increases, they get more profits and thus the trade unions can bargain so as some of these profits are given to labour in terms of higher wage rate. 4.5  The Error Correction Model (ECM) As a next step, an Error correction model, made famous by Nobel Prize Winners Engle and Granger, is presented to capture the short-run effects of the variables in the model. The table below illustrates that most of the variables in the model do have a short-run effect on the wage rate of the country; in fact, inflation, GDP and PPI are returning a positive sign on the coefficient while import on its turn is showing a negative sign. ERROR CORRECTION MODEL VARIABLES Coefficient P-value Std Err t-ratio dIninf 1.945232 0.103 1.171716 1.66 dInexp -0.36393 0.942 4.969895 -0.07 dInimp -0.02609 0 0.002846 -9.17 dIngdp 12.01238 0.007 4.30228 2.79 dInppi 0.003162 0.018 0.001292 2.45 Ut-1 -0.17705 0 0.022963 -7.71 Constant -4.08079 0.715 11.09744 -0.37 Observations 58 R-squared 32.65 Adj R-squared 0.7691 Prob>F 0 Standard errors in parentheses *** p Moreover, the ECM variable (Ut-1) has the expected negative and significant sign, meaning that any errors happening in the model in the short-turn are indeed converging towards the long-run co-integrated relationship at a speed of 17.7%. It has to be taken into consideration that the inflation, import, exports, producer prices which seem to have a short term effect. CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.0  Conclusion As a conclusion, it has to be noted that when there is an increase in the inflation rate, the wage rate should be increased. The government should give wage compensation to the employees so that they can have a better standard of living and satisfy their basic needs and wants. In Mauritius, the government has created institutions such as the PRB to bring an increase in the wage rate on an every five years basis and when the institution does not work properly and effectively, the government should shift to the minimum wage scheme. The results that have been obtained from the variables are positive except for the GDP rate. The econometric model that has been used is a log-log model to show the relationship between wage and other economic variables such as import, export, producer prices and others. The variables which are statistically significant are inflation, import, export, producer prices and the GDP is an exception which is statistically insignificant. In Mauritius, it is confirmed that wages are affected by the prevailing inflation rate and holds a wage-price spiral model. The government needs to get involved to control the inflation rate in order to establish a balance in the society as well as the country can make progress in the future and moves towards economic growth. The government intervention is needed as the R-squared is 51.2% which is low. The government should design some policies to combat the inflation rate. 5.1  Recommendations 5.1.1  Import inflation Mauritius is small country which depends on high level of import products. There will be imported inflation in the country. The government should find a way to import fewer products from abroad. The government should give some incentives and facilities to the people so that the products can be made locally instead of importing them. Thus, the inflation rate will be in control. The government can apply the import restrictions policies so as to prevent import and this can lead to higher wages. The can control import by using quota, tariff and other restrictions to reduce the inflation rate in a country. A quota is a barrier that is imposed on the goods that is brought in the country and sells in other markets. A quota will be helpful for the domestic industries and infant industries as they will be protected and they can increase the wage rate of their workers as well as the country will moves towards a good balance of payments. Export subsidy can also be utilised. In an export subsidy the payment is not delayed by doing an indirect payment and the government helps the foreigners by giving them subsidy, loans and other packages to be attracted to the country’s exports. 5.1.2  Fiscal policy and Monetary policy Fiscal policy can also be used to deal with the inflation rate. Fiscal policy will bring an alteration in the aggregate demand. The fiscal policy is concerned with the tax system. For example, if the government can bring an increase in the tax rates, this can bring a reduction in the demand of the economy. Monetary policy can also be used. The monetary policy deals with the rate of interest. The monetary policy will lead to a fall in the money supply and the interest rates will be increased. When the interest rates will go up, people will prefer to save their money. The purchasing power in the market will decline which in the end can bring a decrease in the inflation rate. By controlling the inflation rate in the country, the people can satisfy their basic needs and wants as there wage rate has been increased and will not be affected by a larger amount as the government is monitoring the inflation rate by the use of fiscal and monetary policy. 5.1.3 Income policy Furthermore, the income policy is another way to deal with the inflation rate. A proper income policy has to be determined to halt the wage price-spiral from increasing. If the inflation rate is based on cost push nature, the government will use the income policy. The government and the trade union should set a meeting to negotiate and cooperate together to bring an increase in the wage rate. A rise in the wage rate should be given when the level of productivity is rising. In the case of the EPZ sector, the wage rate was increasing more than the level of productivity which was not effective at all. When the productivity is rising and the wage rate is increasing at the same pace, this will have little effect on the inflation rate. A good work is being done by the labour party in Mauritius. As it has clearly stated in the budget of 2013 presented by the Honourable Xavier Luc Duval, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development where he said that with the help of PRB and Errors Omiss ion and Anomalies Commission, the wage rate will be increased at around 25 %. The government is spending Rs 6 billion to help consumers to have a good purchasing power. Another policy is concerned with the price policy. The price policy is where the government can controlled the price level and what price is going to be fixed in the market. 5.1.4 Maximum price The producer price can be control if the government uses the maximum price. The government put a maximum price where the producer cannot exceed the price level. This will bring price stability in an economy and the consumer will be protected from their purchasing power not be eroded. 5.2  Problems and Limitations The problem that has been arisen is that there was difficulty in finding data on the wage rate index in Mauritius. The data on the wage rate index was available in Mauritius since 1992. Thus, it has to be converted in terms of quarter to get a smooth graph and to do its regression. Due to the unavailability of data, the R squared is low which shows a poor fit. Therefore, the result should be decided in the light of the problem that has occurred. The limitation is that it is not always that inflation rate affects wage rate. There are other factors such as exchange rates, public utility rates, marks-ups and others which also affect the wage rate which has been showed in the journal of Marinakis (1980). It has also to be noted that even the political and social factors are used to decide the wage rate.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Paris Peace Conference Essay -- World War II WWII WW2

It has been almost a century since the first Paris Peace Conference was hold, but even until now, it is a popular yet also controversial event in the history of the world. The Paris Peace Conference took place in 1919 involving more than 1,000 representatives from over 30 nations. The results of the Conference are five treaties regarding terms that, according to the Conference, shall prevent any upcoming conflicts among nations. Although World War II started only after 15 years, nonetheless, the treaties did function as a buffer between countries. Although many resolutions were discussed, the negotiation of the Conference revolves around four main topics, reparation from the previous war losses or limitations on the main Central Power, Germany, self-recognition, President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and the annexation of land. The war reparation resolution was proposed by both Australia and the United Kingdom, and eventually became Article 231 of Treaty of Versailles. The article assigned complete blame for the war to Germany, required Germany to accept full responsibilities for causing the war, and must pay a set of reparation appointed by the Great Powers. The reparation impositions were considered to be retaliation to the reparation forced upon France by Germany in the Treaty of Frankfurt after the Franco-Prussian War. The recompense form of the war varies among different forms, from coal, steel, and gold, to intellectual property. According to the treaty, Germany will finish paying off the reparation in year 2020. The reparation, no doubt, is only another indirect way of limiting Germany's growth in any field possible and has added another pair of shackle on the already weakened Germany economy, some historians beli... ...ris Peace Conference, the nations which proposed an annexation of land as a resolution even reached the number of six, causing strong power struggles and tensions among nations, which defeats the original purpose of the Paris Peace Conference. The problem of Asia has also aroused in the Paris Peace Conference, whether or not China should be returned its sovereign authority from Japan. Chinese outrage this problem through a cultural movement, the May Fourth Movement that influenced China not to sign the treaty. The Paris Peace Conference ended at January 16th, 1919 with five treaties signed and eight new independent nations born. Although the Paris Peace Conference has ended more than 80 years ago, no one can deny its impact on the world after decades. The human history would've definitely be changed forever if any of the results in the Conference is different.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Analysis :: Literature Knighthood Essays

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Analysis Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written by an unknown author, a contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer, between 1375 and 1400. This story tells us about the adventures of King Arthur's most noble, honest, and courageous knight in Camelot, Sir Gawain. The main action of the story focuses on a challenge given to Sir Gawain by the Green Knight. The knight challenges Gawain to the Christmas game where Gawain hits him with an axe now, and twelve months and a day later, the knight will return the favor at the Green Chapel. This section of the story deals with the second meeting of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and now it's the Green Knight's turn to return the favor. Gawain has traveled long and far to find the knight and uphold his end of the challenge and meet his fate. The Knight is very impressed by Gawain because a lesser man would have not kept his end of the bargain. All of this has led to the climax of the story with Gawain facing the knight, preparing to take the return blow from him and end the challenge. The knight raises the ax to hit Gawain, but Gawain flinches before it hits him. The knight calls Gawain a coward. This infuriates Gawain, and he swears that he will take the blow standing and not flinch again. He states, "But go on, man, in God's name, and get to the point! Deliver me my destiny, and do it out of hand, for I shall stand to the stroke and stir not an inch till your ax has hit home--on my honor, I swear it!" (Norton, 249). Gawain reacts this way because he wants to show honor and live up to his promise made earlier. Also, he feels embarrassment and anger. The knight then acts as if he is going to use the ax again, wanting to see if Gawain will flinch first. But Gawain doesn't flinch at all and stands there, "still as a stone, or else a stout stump" (Norton, 249). The knight mocks him, saying that his nerve is back, and now he must strike because the timing is right. He then builds up the mood, and to create suspense, tells Gawain, "Keep your neck-bone clear, if this cut allows!" (Norton, 249). This further infuriates Gawain, and he tells the knight that he is making too much of a scene.

Reading, Writing and Children’s Literacy Essay -- Education, Language,

In order to assist children in their education, educators must have a vast knowledge of various text types and how children will learn most effectively the components of each text type as well as when and where to use them within society. As educators, we need to constantly be aware of how we can support students to use language in order to learn effectively. The purpose, structure and language features of all the various text types are essential components of an educators understanding of the subject in order for them to educate students. Halliday’s functional approach to language as well as a much broader understanding of the socio-cultural approach to language is crucial to take into consideration when planning programs to educate students about language and text types. The purpose of writing to socialise is to help writers maintain or improve relationships. It is frequently used to explain, advise, request and describe events, experiences and information important to the writer. Different text forms used to socialise include thank you notes, greeting cards, invitations, social sites, emails and letters. These forms of writing can be formal or informal in tone, depending on the relationship between the writer and the audience. This particular text type is used help to share information important to the writer, there may be an assumed knowledge of some of the content included and information is generally written as the writer would speak. The structure and language features of this particular text type vary greatly according to the purpose and audience, but generally each will contain first and second person pronouns, specific participants, questions or statements. Concise language is used as well as simple past tense re... ...ate fully in the society in which they live. Educators must ensure students have a deep understanding of writing as a social construct and provide students with opportunities to practice using language as a social tool so as they can express themselves with confidence. Works Cited Emmitt, M., Zbaracki, M., Komesaroff, L., Pollock, J. (2010). Language & learning: An introduction to teaching (5th ed.). South Melbourne VIC: Oxford university press. Steps professional development. (2005). First steps: Writing resource book (2nd ed.). Belmont WA: Author. Win Jan, L. (2009). Write ways: Modelling writing forms (3rd ed.). South Melbourne VIC: Oxford university press. Winch, G., & Ross Johnston, R., & March, P., & Ljungdahl, L., & Holliday, M. (2010). Literacy: Reading, writing and children’s literacy (4th ed.). South Melbourne VIC: Oxford university press.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Addiction and Addictions Essay

Introduction There are many factors that are damaging today’s society. Addictions are a fast growing concern, it has branched off and caused many problems whether it be related to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, or eating. Addictions are something society faces everyday. Although there are many reasons behind why addiction are growing, and where they stemmed from, today’s society has focused primarily on how someone with an addictions problem can seek help. Also the many Gaps and Barriers around addictions are enabling people who wish to seek help from receiving it. The increasing amounts of people with drug or alcohol addictions has increased vastly over the years especially among young teens who are still yet to be of age to buy alcohol. With addictions being a commonly known problem in society, there should be more awareness put out to people on how to help those with an addiction or more services that are equally accessible for those who wish to seek help on their addic tions. Types of Addictions Drugs and Alcohol Even though drugs and alcohol is widely known as bad in society, people continue to abuse it. Once on has chosen to abuse drugs or alcohol continuously they lose the ability to say â€Å"no† to another drink or † no† to another puff of weed. Soon the person will continuously think about drinking or using drugs, and cannot wait to abuse either substance again. Generally there are two components that stem from drug addiction: physical and psychological dependencies. Physical dependency occurs when a drug has been used habitually and the body has become immune to its effects. Where as psychological dependency occurs where a drug as been used immensely and the mind has become dependant and the mind begins to become emotionally reliant on the effects. Either to feel pleasure or to relieve pain, then the mind does not feel capable of functioning without the drug. Internet Addictions Internet addictions not only include an over excessive amount of chat room participation, but it does not help their social or financial well being. Dysfunctional use of the Internet by children as well as adults can result in diminished participation in the family. Over thirty percent of Canada’s population has reported that they use the Internet to escape from everyday life or problems. Either by finding someone else on chat rooms with the same problems or just playing games or â€Å"surfing† the web. Gambling Addictions Gambling has many traumatic effects in a person’s life if it is abused the wrong way. It can cause people to loose their family; can put a person into bankruptcy, fraud, domestic abuse, theft or even homelessness. Pathological gamblers tend to be under the age of thirty. Six percent of gamblers in Canada commit suicide. The government profit from gambling in Canada is thirteen billion nationally. In Canada 340,000 people have a modern or severe case of a gambling addiction. Eating Addictions Food addictions affect mostly a person’s health. Food addictions lead mostly to eating disorders, such as: obesity, diabetes, bulimia and food allergies. An eating addiction is signaled the same way in our brains as an alcohol addiction. Recent studies on rats have proven that eating triggers a pleasure receptor in our brain. Ten percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male. Eight percent of children in Canada are obese, and twenty three percent are adults. Gaps in Services The majority of agencies have no costs, no referrals, are wheelchair accessible and have age limited restrictions. The new internet addiction has left a gap in services, simply because it went so long before it was † discovered†, agencies are just now figuring out ways to support this  addiction. This makes it hard for someone with an Internet addiction to seek help due to the lack of support out there for the general public to use. Barriers in Services The majority of services are available from ages thirteen plus. Which limits â€Å"teens† under the age of thirteen with addiction problems help. With today’s society having an increasing amount of children drinking, this set’s a bit of a barrier. Since there are no programs offered for children of a young age who have already begun drinking to seek help it allows the problem to grow instead of getting to it when it is still fresh and not yet a full-blown addiction. Although many services do not offer help to those who are disabled. Addiction services are generally offered only in English, which poses a problem for those who have immigrated to Canada or simply have grown up speaking a different language. The hours for addiction centers is limited, unless it is a housing service, most programs run on the nine to five clock, enabling those who seek help after hours from getting the service that is required by them. Local Services Personal Development Programs: Men’s Withdrawal Management Center This shelter is for men going through withdrawals from drugs or alcohol. They offer a short-term residence. Also give information and education sessions for men in a safe environment. Also provide one on one counseling for individuals in purpose of defining specific needs and how to treat them. They take in men who are inebriated, who are going through withdrawals or that are at high risk of falling into old patterns. Service for this center in 7 days a week 24 hours a day, there is no fee; admission is immediate accordingly to bed availability. Advocacy and Referral Programs Mental Health and Addictions Services in Grey Bruce This program also known as DART (drug and alcohol registry of treatment) is helpful for people with addictions or mental health problems locate treatment options. It also links local communities with assessment and referral programs for themselves or people that they know. Socialization Programs CAMH Center For Addictions and Mental Health The largest organization for addictions and mental health in Canada. Its provides research, broad-based education offerings, clinical services and health promotion activities. They provide information on the best services around, their facilities allow you to locate research resource materials, and contribute to addictions and mental health system planning. They are open Monday to Friday 8:30- 4:30, they are only partially accessible, and only provide services in English. Rehab and Therapy Centers FGI World This facilities helps youth with drug or alcohol based addictions. They work with clients one on one with any problems they are having. This is a private organization, and the program is only offered through referral. The program allows you to come and go as pleased, unless you are an involuntary client. The councilors help take you through the steps that got you to where you are and also the choices that you made to get you there. Located on downtown Hamilton. The hours are 8:00am to 6:00 pm. Appointments are to be made no walk inn’s are allowed. Conclusion Throughout this report, there have been examples of all types of addictions. Showing how increasingly they are on the rise, and that day-to-day a new  addiction is born. Without services being available to the new born addictions they continuously grow and there is no way to receive help for them. The amount of young teens becoming addicted to things such as drugs or alcohol has grown increasingly and services are yet to be prepared for that situation. Many of the gaps and barriers within these programs or services are what prevent people from seeking the help they need and deserve. It has been proven that not only are addictions physical they are majority psychological and require a great deal of acknowledgement from family, friends, support groups, and government funded programs, so that people can acquire the amount of treatment necessary. With language and hours of availability being a barrier many people with problems are not getting the help they deserve, Canada needs to broaden its’ options when it comes to addiction programs, allowing twenty-four hour services for people with serious or mild conditions. If the programs continue to enable people from receiving help the amount of people with addictions will continue to increase. Being aware of the problem is the first step to solving one.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hospital management system Essay

1.User requirements †¢Users can log in and register patients. During registration the users should be able to enter basic patient information. †¢The system should allow the user to schedule an appointment for a new user in which the user should be able to assign the date, time, department and the doctor available at that time †¢Users can search for admitted patient. †¢User can see the department wise appointment and particular day’s outpatient and also see today’s waitlist, transfer or transfer a patient from one department to another department. †¢The user should be able to enter the basic information about the employee and his or her professional details. †¢The user will be able to add the urgency and reminder to patient or cancel an appointment of a particular patient or update patient details etc. †¢The user will be able to see doctor on call schedule department †¢The user will be able to create edit or update a duty plan of a doctor. The user should be able to delete and add a doctor to a particular department. †¢The user should be able to assign a particular bed to a particular patient, or discharge the patient. †¢The user should be able to view the waiting list and from there can transfer the patient. †¢The user should be able to search the patient who is gone through any operation and his or her detail information like operation date, surgeon, therapy etc. †¢The user should be able to view pending requests. 2.System requirements †¢The system should have a log in option and maintain a record of registered patients. †¢The system should categorize â€Å"In Patients† and â€Å"Out Patients† †¢The system should maintain a record of doctor’s schedules in order to allow so that, if a patient wants a particular doctor the system should enable them to search a particular doctor schedule and his or her available time. †¢The system should all allow modification of details. †¢The system should display a list of admitted patients. †¢The system should keep information related to patients which are out patient. †¢The system should allow registration of a new employee. †¢The  system should store today’s doctor on call schedule department. The system should also allow the user to create edit or update a duty plan of a doctor. †¢System should maintain the ward occupancy there room and bed. †¢The system should display details entered by the user of when the transfer a patient form one ward to another or one room to another room or one bed to another bed has taken place. †¢The system should output a waiting list. †¢The system should produce a nursing report, physician orders, diagnostic reports; lab reports etc. and the user should be able to view it. †¢The system should be able to create a duty plan for a particular nurse and also give a quick review of today’s nurses on standby duty. †¢The system should have a form for the user to fill to send a request to laboratory test. The system should maintain a radiological test request that a user can make. 3.Functional Requirements Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that system must perform. The functional requirements for the system are divided into various modules; Registration, Billing, Payroll Module, Outpatient Management, Inpatient Management and Pharmacy A. )Registration module This module of the system captures complete and relevant patient information such as patient registration details, doctors daily schedule list, doctors schedule summary and so on. And automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care process. †¢The system shall include a user authorization procedure where users must identify themselves using a login name and password. Only users who are authorized in this way may access the system data. †¢The system should be able to display enquires about the patient, the patient location, admission and appointment scheduling and discharge details. †¢The system shall record patient registration details and inpatient and outpatient registration details. †¢The system should allow users to modify patient or doctors details †¢The system should automatically give and store medical alerts details. †¢The system shall provide doctors schedule summary and doctors daily schedule list. †¢The system should maintain medical records that keep an abstract of clinical data about patients. B. )Billing module The Patient Billing module handles all types of billing for long-term care. This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different categories of patients like Outpatient, Inpatient and Referral. Therefore in this module: †¢The system should provide automatic posting of charges related to different services like bed charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued, consultant’s fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc. †¢The system should be flexible to allow billing plans to be configured to automatically accept or deny. †¢The system should be tuned to enable this module to capture room and bed charges along with ancillary charges based on the sponsorship category. †¢The system should record the charges for various services rendered. †¢The system should display payment details. †¢The system should display reports and have a printing option. C )Payroll Module †¢The system should calculate total employee salary including reductions and allow the employer to, print salary slips and salary certificates †¢The system should produce PF statements, Gratuity Statements and also provide a monthly analysis. †¢Since the module deals with the maintenance of employee bio-data, the system should keep employee bio data including Attendance / Overtime details. It should also report on absenteeism or leave encasements of an employee. †¢The system should permit the department to conduct Employee Related Activities like appointing the staff, maintaining the employee database, Fixing allowances and deductions, Maintenance of Hospital documents, etc. D.) Outpatient Management module The outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the hospital resident doctor or consultant doctor for medical consultations and diagnosis. In this module: †¢The system should provide instant access to comprehensive patient information to doctors. †¢The system should divide Patient visits into new, follow-up and review and record the appropriate details if any. †¢The  system should handle the modules requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations. †¢The system should define external doctor’s visit to in patients as â€Å"call on†. †¢The system should store patient’s diagnosis details. †¢The system should provide a record of patient’s appointments. †¢The system should store outpatient medical observation details. †¢The system should provide a report on outpatient Treatment History. †¢The system should store the out patients clinical service details and common billing clinical services of the patient †¢The system should support online prescription, online request for Investigations and so on. †¢The system should calculate the cost for the services rendered to the patient and reflect it in the billing module appropriately resulting in smooth billing process. E) Inpatient Management module The inpatient module is designed to take care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Inpatient Management. Therefore: †¢The system should allow this module to automate the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. †¢The system should provide comprehensive data pertaining to Admission of Patients & Ward Management: Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, planned admission, Emergency admission and so on. †¢The system should enable this module to support Ward Management involving the system recording details of a patient being shifted from one ward to the other. †¢The system should display and be able to keep a record of the number of available beds †¢The system should monitor the administration of drugs. †¢The system should display the details of when a doctor is to be or transferred. †¢The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests. †¢The system should keep and display record of patients that are to be or have been discharged; the details should include the expected or the Date and Time of Discharge. †¢The system should allow the module (department) to track every visit made by a patient. F) Pharmacy module Pharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of a pharmacy. †¢The system should allow purchasing of orders. †¢The system should store supplier’s information †¢The system should allow online request for stock from various sub-stores and online stock transfer. †¢The system should maintain the drug inventory. †¢The system should record and allow users to view the expiring date of items. †¢The system should produce a goods receipt. 4. Nonfunctional requirements. Non-functional requirements define the overall qualities or attributes of the resulting system. Performance Requirements Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. †¢The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds. †¢The log in information shall be verified within five seconds. Security †¢The system shall ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access. †¢Through permitting the changing access permissions for the system data to only be done by the system’s data administrator †¢All system data must be backed up every 24 hours and the backup copies stored in a secure location which is not in the same building as the system Reliability †¢The system should perform its required functions under stated conditions if any. †¢The system should have a low rate of failure to deliver the services required by end users. Maintainability: †¢The system should be able to cope with the changing of technology. Size †¢The system should not occupy a large amount of memory disk space. Robustness. †¢After a failure the system should have a backup to assist in immediately functioning as required. 5.Usability requirements Some of the systems usability requirements should include: †¢Informative error messages for example when a record is missing and should be inputted or when incorrect data †¢The system should offer help facilities for users who require further assistance or understanding when using the system. †¢The system should have well-formed graphical user interfaces. †¢The time needed to be taken for users to learn the facilities of the system. †¢How satisfied are the users with the system can be measured by taking a survey. 6. Domain requirements Domain requirements are the requirement that comes from the application domain of the system that reflects the characteristics of that domain. Therefore, as this System is a hospital management System, the domain requirement of this system should concern about the requirements that reflect characteristic of hospital management system. Our hospital management System should contain the characteristics below: †¢The hospital management system must have basic functions: storing, tracking, updating and must be able to generate and display reports also records or details of patients, doctors, medical alerts, doctor’s schedules lists and so on. †¢ Every operation that occurs in the hospital management system must concern of Data Integrity. For example, we do not want the total charges calculated by the system of a patient and displayed not to be not accurate thus causing losses to the hospital making use of this system or a drug records is recorded without including its name or quantity. †¢Each operation that occurs in the hospital management system must be recorded, and the system should generate report from time to time. †¢Regarding security issue, the hospital management system must have an authentication features e to prevent unauthorized access. †¢Authorized person must be able to access the System 24/7 except the system is under maintenance. †¢The system should have a backup unit which will be required when an unexpected system failure event occurs. †¢The system should not only produce reports but also receipt when it comes to drugs to support manual tracking of finances if necessary. †¢The system should display requests regarding admission, drugs and also display pending requests and enable responding to them if required. †¢This system must monitor administration of drugs. REFRENCE SWE 626 Team 2 Hotel Management System Software Requirements Specification Document Retrieved from Software Requirements Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Huaneng Essay

Per capita beer consumption of Peru assumed to triple over 10 year time and matching global standards of 72 litres by terminal year. Income elasticity (0.498) incorporated into model as a lever of GDP Growth ( proxy for beer growth potential) This is multiplied with assumed increase of 3x in per capita beer intake to arrive at a macro economic proxy of 7.49% We subtract the given value with CPI Index ( inflation metric) factoring in assumed 5% price growth in beer * Negetive Price Elasticity( -1.676) arriving at net macro economic proxy= 6.89% CASH FLOW GROWTH RATE-II Cash flow growth taken as function of both fast growing macro economic factors + company specific performance Company Specific Growth Rate Historic EBITDA growth rate given in case =52.4% ( 50.4 mn USD(02) 31.69 mn USD(01) The rate is normalized and reduced gradually with power of 5% decrease to arrive at terminal value growth rate of 2.39% ( To account for rising estimated competition locally and South American Brewery industry and unfavourable govt policy) Terminal Value Growth Rate = Function of long term Peru growth rate* Industry Beta Cash flow growth rate arrived for first 10 years 6.89%( Macro-economic proxy)+ 21.6% ( Company specific revenue growth) The arrived growth rate is accounted for a inflation of 2.5% assumed. Final cash flow growth rate used in DCF Model= 25.5% DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW MODEL ( All figures in USD Mln) QUESTION 1(b) Can you think of an alternative way to value Backus based on the information of the case? Explain how you would do it, what the value would be and how it would differ from the DCF results. RELATIVE VALUATION -I ( Data Source-Exhibit 16)- All figures in USD Mln Approach-1 > Price/Sales Method †¢ First we get the comparable south American targets and compute the average P/Sales multiple. ( 2.12) †¢ We multiply average P/S multiple with Company Sales (137.19) to arrive at market determined Firm Value ( 290.82 USD Mln) †¢ Dividing by number of open class A shares(87.2 mln), we finally arrive at a Share price of 3.35 USD RELATIVE VALUATION-II ( Data Source-Exhibit 16) All figures in USD Mln Approach-2 > EV/EBITDA Method †¢ First we get the comparable south American targets and compute the average EV/Ebitda multiple. ( 11.8) †¢ We multiply average EV/EBITDA multiple with Company EBITDA (50.47) to arrive at market determined Firm Value ( 596.81 USD Mln) †¢ Dividing by number of open class A shares(87.2 mln), we finally arrive at a Share price of 6.84 USD RELATIVE VALUATION- A RECAP ï  µ We find our classic RV approach using (EV/EBITDA) & (P/S) Method returning a firm value less than that of DCF Method. FIRM VALUE

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Critical theory and professionalism Essay

In what ways can critical theory shed light on professionalism? This presentation explores how critical theory can provide a perspective for critiquing professionalism in education. In so doing the nature of the relationship between the professionalisation and social movement trends in education is addressed. An attempt at a definition of professionalism is going to be the focus of the first part of the presentation. Several concepts articulated within critical theory are discussed for their relevance to the issue of professionalism. The work of the Frankfurt School is underlined, drawing parallels to the work of Gramsci and Freire. In the final analysis, specific issues and questions raised by the perspective of Critical Theory are reflected upon as they apply to the professionalisation of education. The concept of professionalism Literature on professionalism is in its abundance. There have been many attempts at providing a clear definition, including the government-led agendas calling for higher degrees on professionalism in education. It can be noted at the outset that attempts at coming up with a definition of professionalism in education have struggled to agree on a particular one. Freidson (1994) has concluded that the use of the term professionalism is inconsistent. He argues that professionalism is ‘The Third Logic’, claiming that professions are occupational groupings that exercise relatively high degrees of control over the conditions as well as how they carry out their work. This kind of arrangement provides a mechanism for organising some aspects of social life in a way that properly deploys specialist knowledge. Professionalism is therefore viewed as a mode of social coordination and competes with, and provides some insulation from, both market and bureaucratic forms of organisation. It has also been viewed as â€Å"a state of mind† or ideology that reflects a way of thinking about the cognitive aspects of a profession and the characteristics that typify a professional (Van Ruler, 2005). In other words, in the case of teaching, professionalism is the cultural means by which we give meaning, purpose, definition, and direction to work as professionals and the place of practitioners in society. It can therefore be claimed that there is no universal agreement of the concept. It has been implored by some authorities for teaching to become evidence-based profession like medicine and law. Hargreaves, for example describes teaching as the â€Å"paradoxical profession†. He asserts that of all the jobs that are, or aspires to be professions, only teaching is expected to create the human skills and capacities that will enable individuals and organizations to survive and succeed. (Hargreaves, 2003). Carr (1992) has suggested that in this ‘extended’ view of educational professionalism, education and teaching are to be understood by reference to the elaborative network of public duties, obligations and responsibilities in which teaching as a social role is implicated. It can be asserted that if teaching is a profession, there has been an assumption that teachers should be equipped with capacities for autonomous judgement and the freedom to exercise this judgement. It could be considered inappropriate for politicians or employers to dictate to teachers what is or is not worthy of inclusion in the school curriculum, or what kinds of knowledge and skill are crucial for the professional conduct of teaching. It is with this view in mind that Flinders (1980) has argued that teaching is an open-ended activity. Helsby (1995) claims that professionalism is subject to geographical and cultural differences and it can be understood as relating to exceptional standards of behaviour, dedication as well as a strong service ethic. This view is supported by Bryan (2003) who argues that professional work can be seen to be increasingly influenced by politics. This can be justified by the claim that the policies of governments are ideologically driven, hence professionalism may be understood as constructs which develop in response to ideological influences. Thomas (2012) uses professionalism as a descriptor of a combination of teachers’ specific capabilities and knowledge, the purpose and ethical underpinnings of their work, the extent to which they are able to exercise independent and critical judgement, their role in shaping and leading changes in their field, and their relationship to other stakeholders. Despite the vicissitude of the notion of professionalism in education, standard analyses of how this concept can be applied in public services such as teaching and nursing have stressed the importance of specialist knowledge  and expertise, ethical codes as well as procedures concerned with training, induction and continuing professional development (Flexner, 1915; Larson, 1977; Langford, 1978; Eraut, 1994). Attached to this view of professionalism is the assumption that in exchange for a greater say in matters related to school and teaching, teachers are expected to submit to greater levels of scrutiny and work roles that go beyond classroom teaching (Stone-Johnson, 2013). In this exchange there is a shift of power whereby as the work of the teachers becomes increasingly professionalised, teachers appear to have surrendered degrees of professionalism. The critical project in education supervenes from the postulation that pedagogical practices are linked to social practices, and that it is the task of the critical intellectual to identify and address injustices in these practices. The Frankfurt School’s perception of Critical Theory was driven by an underlying commitment to the notion that theory as well as practice must inform the work of those who seek to transform the oppressive conditions that exist in the world. Their ideas influenced other great critical theorists such as Freire and Gramsci. If the notion of critical theory is to be linked to the debate on professionalism, it can be argued that the development of critical pedagogy out of critical theory has changed the way through which the role of the teacher is seen, particularly the professional position of the teacher in the society. It has been argued that there has been a widespread erosion of professional autonomy in recent years (Barton et al, 1994, Whitty et al 1998). This has been a result of the centralisation of control over all aspects of teacher’s work such as curriculum (National Curriculum, literacy and numeracy hours), assessment, (SATs, QAA/ Ofsted Inspections) and conditions of service (imposed by the employers in a controlled quasi-market regulated by centralist funding formulae, league tables and inspection regimes.) (Freidson, 2001). This can be corroborated by a survey of teachers carried by Helsby and McCulloch (1997) as it showed that the government onslaught of edicts and initiatives demolished professionalism. It has been argued the formulation of policy documents have positioned the teacher as fundamentally impotent in terms of curriculum design. The teacher  has been reduced to a mere curriculum deliverer. This is mainly to system of communication that is viewed as one-sided by educational critiques. Murphy and Fleming (2010) have attempted to deal with this issue by using the Habermas’ notion of communicative action. They argue that, for Habermas, the essential feature of communicative action is that it aims at reaching agreement. Furthermore in order for that agreement to be not only mutually acceptable but satisfactory, its participants must be willing to make and defend validity claims such as claims of truth, rightness and truthfulness. Habermas’ notion accedes to the fact that while validity claims are raised automatically in everyday communication, it is only when communication aims primarily at reaching consensus, and when participants provide reasons for their argument, that rationality actually manifests itself. It can be argued that in the case of professionalism, Critical Theory is meant to herald a liberatory education that empowers stakeholders, fosters curiosity and critical thinking, and provides a means for crucial successful bottom-up, top-down engagement in the political arena. The introduction of a prescriptive and centralised National Curriculum has greatly weakened the professional confidence of teachers, (Helsby and McCulloch, 1997). It has also left them uncertain of their ability to cope and of their right to take major curriculum decisions. This has resulted in the government having more control over the teaching profession, (Meyer- Emerick, 2004). Critical theory prefers to call this process ‘one-dimensionality’ of life. Thus this extended the existing understanding of power and its impact on the construction of knowledge. Gramsci was deeply concerned with the manner in which domination was undergoing major shifts and changes within the industrial western societies. He developed a theory of hegemony, whereby he sought to explain the manner by which these changes were exercised more and more through the moral leaders of the society (including teachers) who participated in and reinforced universal ‘common sense’ notions of what is considered to be truth in society. This is consonant with Foucault’s questioning of what he termed ‘regimes of truth’ that were upheld and perpetuated through the manner in which particular knowledge was legitimated within the context of a variety of power relationships within the society. Foucault’s perceptions of power is not  solely at play in the context of domination, but also in the context of creative acts of resistance and these are produced as human beings are interact across the dynamic of relationship and shaped by moments of dominance and autonomy. Such a viewpoint challenges the dichotomised standpoint of either domination or powerlessness of power as enticed by radi cal education theorists. Thus it can be argued that Foucault’s writing on knowledge and power shed light on a critical understanding of the teaching profession in relation to authority. More so it does open the door to a better understanding of power relations within the context of teaching practice.