Friday, July 26, 2019

661 questions 1 and 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

661 questions 1 and 2 - Assignment Example Organization change initiative may fail because of the following factors; overloading priorities, whereby, managers tend to have divided loyalty on which responsibility to undertake first causing a change initiative to be unsuccessful (Clemmer, 2001). Overconcentration on achievements may cause organization change to be unsuccessful because organization may over concentrate on quality and achievement and forgets on conducting an assessment to determine whether organization is moving retrogressively or progressively (Clemmer, 2001). Additionally, a change initiative may become unsuccessful if managers delegate duties and give instruction without leading others to implement those changes (Clemmer, 2001). In above connection, lack of proper coordination and communication between managers and stakeholders within an organization may make a change initiative to become unsuccessful (Clemmer, 2001). I experienced a revolutionary change from childhood to adulthood whereby, I had to make decisions without relying on my parents. However, my parents could develop some resistance because they could not admit that fact that I had become an adult who can make his own decision. This story may relate to the stories of Kodak, Hewlett, IBM and Mc Donald’s in chapter one in the sense that, in both stories there are some forms of resistance when carrying out a change (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2008). The most common issues across all the stories are that there is some form of resistance to change. For example; in Kodak Company, the announcement of reducing amount of dividend paid to shareholders in order to adopt new technology was faced with a lot of resistance by all stakeholders (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2008). In above connection, the HP CEO Fiona experienced resistance from both staff members and family when she declared a merger between Hp and

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