Friday, August 21, 2020

The Odessy essays

The Odessy expositions An epic saint is an overwhelming figure who typifies the goals of a country or race. Epic saints partake in long risky experiences and accoplish extraordinary deeds, requireing incredible mental fortitude and very human quality. As I would see it I don't feel that Odysseus is an epic saint. He isn't an epic legend on the grounds that the main quality he has is incredible fortitude and that isn't a lot. He didn't spare anyone, he undermined his better half and nearly got imself executed. In book 9 Odysseus and his men land on the island of the Cyclopes. They recognize a cavern and they choose to proceed to investigate it. They discover cheeses and pens swarmed with sheep. His team recommends that they take the things and run, however Odysseus was obstinate and styaed in the cavern. Odysseus loses two men to the cyclopes. At the point when he in the long run outmaneuvers the cyclopes and escapes the cavern. He shouts from his boat and ridicules the cyclops. The cyclopes at that point gets a rock and tosses it at the boat misses and an immense wave sends them practically right back to the shore. In the following book, book 10, Odysseus arrives on the island of the goddess Circe. He sends half of his men to proceed to investigate the island. The men found a house with wolves and mountain lions that acted like house pets. They entered the extraordinary lobby , and were taken care of and situated in relaxing seats. She gave them wine that made them transform into creatures. At the point when this happened Eurylochus returned and mentioned to Odysseus what occurred and said that they should leave and not to return for the others. Odysseus ought to have tuned in to Eurylochus in light of the fact that she caused them to overlook of home and that was one more year they spent wasting time. At that point in book 12 Odysseus is confronted with a test. He needs to settle on a decision between Scylla the ocean beast that look s like a mythical beast with 6 heads, or Charybdis the toliet bowl beast. In the event that he picked Scylla the he would lose 6 of his men without a doubt, on the off chance that he picked Charybdis, at that point he would either lose all or none of his men inckuding h ... <!

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