Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effect Of Becoming Too Smart - 1043 Words

Today, people live in a world unlike those generations before, where time stood still and our thoughts were our real mode of entertainment, but now people have invested into a controlled and structured lifestyle. As a matter of fact, the investment into technology and new developments into stem cell, cloning, and cyber genetics, also distance people from the art of Philosophy, because most people are preoccupied on technology over thoughts about why we exist or what causes bad things. During, the Age of Enlightenment, many philosophers, artists, musicians, and scientists began a revolution in their subject manner, and it created a split between the controlling Church and the doctrine. In reality, this advancement was similar to the advancement of the internet, because every aspect of our nature changed drastically, afterwards. Owing to, those pioneers from this period for our current ability to learn anything by the click of a mouse, but like anything else there are negative side eff ects for becoming too smart. David Hume from Edinburgh, Scotland in 1723 and died there in 1776, as a world famous philosopher of his time (n.p.). While, Immanuel Kant was born in Konigsberg, Prussia in 1724 and died in 1804, best known for his critique of Hume’s causality claim. In effect, Hume opened the door for other philosophers, or critics to expand on his view of causality and Kant took up the challenge, but their differences like: empiricist skepticism, transcendental idealism, and ethicsShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Multitasking1075 Words   |  5 Pagesa distraction, not allowing a person to fully engage on a particular interest. Multitasking has negative effects on students’ performance in school. 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