Tuesday, March 10, 2020

History review essays

History review essays Ruperts Land: land owned by Hudsons Bay Company and stretching over what is the NWT, western Canada and northern Ontario and Quebec. (By purchasing this land Canada now had vast territories to fill up with settlers.) Red River Settlement: settlement established in 1811 by Lord Selkirk around the present city of Winnipeg. (The settlement presented the way they were ruled by Hudsons Bay Company and preferred to be part of Canada. North -West Territories: name given to the lands transferred to Canada from the Hudsons Bay Company in 169. (Their lands secured the prairies fro Canada and prevented the Americans from moving in or making a similar deal with the Hudson Bay Company.) Red River Rebellion 1869-70: uprising in the Red River colony after Canada bought Ruperts land and sent surveyors without consenting the Metis. (Led to the creation of the province of Manitoba and the Metis Bill of Rights. National Committee of the Metis: a committee formed by Riel whose purpose was to decide how to protect Metis Rights. (Advise and assisted Riel in governing the land after it was proposed by the Hudsons bay Company.) Metis Bill of Rights: a list of demands prepared by the Metis and presented to the Canadian government. (Ottawa considered these demands fair until the Thomas Scott affair.) Manitoba Act: an act, which established the area around Fort Garry as the provinces of Manitoba. (The entry Manitoba into Confederation as Canadas fifth province confirmed the agreement worked out by Riels Provisional government.) Treaty of Washington 1873: a treaty between Britain and the US to resolve problems between their two countries. (Restored good relations between the US, Canada and Britain and ensured that Canada was free from attack by the USA.) Canadian Pacific Railway Company: group formed to build the trans - continental railroad. (Macdonald government accused of taking bribes for con...

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