Sunday, November 10, 2019

Acid and Base Report Qualitative Data

Acids and Bases Labs Report Aim: To study the characteristics of acids and bases. Experiment 1 Magnesium Ribbon with Sulphuric Acid Observations | |Material/substance |Rate of reaction |Bubbles |Initial colour |Final colour |Other Observations | |H2SO4 |N/A |N/A |Colourless |N/A |Acid | |Mg |N/A |N/A |Silver Metallic |N/A |Metal | |Mg SO4 |High rate |Yes- High rate |Colourless |Colourless |Heat is produced. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Acidic smell | |Hydrogen gas was produced. | | |Test: Burning Splint | |Result: Popping sound | |Overall Chemical Reaction | |Word Equation: Magnesium + Sulphuric Acid ( Magnesium Sulphate + Hydrogen | |Chemical Equation: Mg + H2SO4 ( Mg SO4 + H2 | 2. Calcium Carbonate with Hydrochloric Acid Observations | |Material/substance |Rate of reaction |Bubbles |Initial colour |Final colour |Other Observations | |HCL |N/A |N/A |Clear |N/A |Acid | |Lime Water |N/A |N/A |Clear |N/A |N/A | |Ca CO3 |N/A |N/A |White |N/A |Salt | |Ca CO3 + HCL |High rate/ Fast | Y es.High rate/ |Milky, Cloudy |White, Cloudy, |Heat is produced. | | | |Fast | |precipitate formed | | |Observation of Final solution: Final solution was cloudy with precipitation. | |Overall Chemical Equations | |Word: Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid ( Calcium Chloride + Carbon Dioxide + Water | |Chemical Equation: Ca2CO3 + 2HCL ( 2CaCl + CO2 + H2O | 3. Almost equal amounts of sodium hydroxide and nitric acid (same concentration) Observations | |Material/substance |Rate of reaction |Bubbles |Initial colour |Final colour |Other Observations | |HNO3 |N/A |N/A | |N/A |N/A | |NaOH |N/A |N/A | |N/A |N/A | |HNO3 + Indicator |N/A |N/A |Strong Pink/ |rose pink/ clear |Test with PH paper; | | | | | |PH 1, maroon | |NaOH + Indicator |N/A |N/A | | |Test with PH paper; | | | | | | |PH 14, Dark purple | |HNO3 + NaOH |High rate/ Fast | N/A | | |Heat is produced. | |Observation of Final solution: Final solution was cloudy with precipitation. | |Overall Chemical Equations | |Word: Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid ( Calcium Chloride + Carbon Dioxide + Water | |Chemical Equation: Ca2CO3 + 2HCL ( 2CaCl + CO2 + H2O | 4. Copper (II) Oxide with hydrochloric acid Observations | |Material/substance |Rate of reaction |Bubbles |Initial colour |Final colour |Other Observations | |CuO |N/A |N/A |Black |N/A |Black powder | |HCL |N/A |N/A |colourless |N/A |Acid | |CuO + HCL |Fast |N/A |Black cloud, opaque|Turns aqua green, |Heat is produced. | | | | |clear, translucent | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Black CuO settles at| | | | | | |the bottom of | | | | | | |apparatus. | | |Overall Chemical Reaction | |Word Equation: Copper (II) Oxide + Hydrochloric Acid | |Chemical Equation: CuO + 2HCL ( CuCl2 + H2O | 5. Ammonium chloride solution with sodium hydroxide Observations | |Material/substance |Rate of reaction |Bubbles |Initial colour |Final colour |Other Observations | |NH4Cl |N/A |N/A |Colourless |N/A |Powder | |NaOH |N/A |N/A |Silver Metallic |N/A |Metal | |NH4Cl + NaOH | | | | |Test with PH paper, | | | | | | |purple ( greater than| | | | | | |7, alkaline | | | | | | |(basic) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Acidic smell, pungent| |Overall Chemical Reaction | |Word Equation: Ammonium Chloride ( Ammonium Hydroxide + Sodium Chloride | |Chemical Equation: NH4Cl + NaOH ( NH4OH + NaCL |

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