Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Performance Appraisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Appraisals - Essay Example She points out that many managersdo not pay much attention to filling appraisal forms something that has some negative effect on the morale of the employees who work under them (Quast, 2013). However, she points out the importance of managers paying much attention to performanceappraisal because it is part of their work. She goes ahead andgive seven tips that can help managers in making performanceappraisal more meaningful to their organizations or groups. The first tip is paying more attentive to the preparation process. Lack of proper preparation has often been pointed to as a major contributor to unsuccessful performance appraisal. Through preparation a manager can be able to know the exact message that they want to communicate to the employees. This means that performance appraisal should not be handled like just a one hour thing. The second tip that a manager can get from this article is always make considerations for the logistics of the discussion. For instance, a manger should hold performance appraisal in place that whatever is discussed will remain confidential. A small conference room will be highly ideal for this purpose. The third tip that Lisa givesis that managers should always make sure that they open the discussions with the agenda. This will help in putting the employees at ease. The four primary areas that a manager should make sure that the performance appraisal cover include: the current performance of the company; the past performance of the company; the goals and objectives of the company; and the company’s development plans. The forth tip is to encourage a two way discussion whereby all the participants will be allowed to contribute. Getting the employees’ point of view will make it easier for them to be included to the achievement of the company’s goals. The fifths tip encourages managers to give praises whenever there is any meaningful contribution by an employee (Murphy &

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